- Admin Tab
- Capture Tab
- Search Tab
- Other Topics
- SQL Server OCR
- Document Retention Management
- Microsoft Office Documents
- Enabling Automatic Idle Timeout
- Enabling ADFS Logging
- Custom Menu
- Changing the Client Name
- Custom Forgotten Password Page
- Windows Integrated Security
- Global Search Visibility
- Removing Remember Me
- Comments Section
- Configuring Database Lookup
- Configuring a Picklist
- Notebook of Offline Content
- Application Programming Interface
- Creating an Addressable Search
- Capture Direct Option
- Log Files
- Other Important File Locations
- Troubleshooting / FAQs
Have another version? ILINX version 8.5, ILINX version 8.0, Older versions are included only in the installation package.
Utilizing a lean, user-friendly, highly adaptable interface, ILINX Content Store provides complete document automation. Simply scan, store, search for and share all of your business content.
ILINX Content Store empowers anyone in your organization to securely capture and access information right at their desktop, or from anywhere in the world, using a web browser. Likewise, ILINX Content Store can be efficiently managed from a central location, including deployment, administration, updates and upgrades.
This guide contains information on how to configure the ILINX Content Store application, administrator tools, and options.
Note: This guide assumes that the installation of the ILINX Content Store product has taken place. For complete installation documentation, please see the ILINX Installation Guide.
Supported Installation Configurations
For information on supported and recommended hardware, OS, web browsers, databases, etc. for ILINX products, please refer to the ILINX Support Matrix.
In order to access the system, you must know the following:
> ILINX Content Store Administrator username and password.
> URL assigned to connect to the system.
Step 1: From an Internet browser window, enter the ILINX URL.
http://[your server URL]/ILINXCS
The URL is not case-sensitive.
Note: Currently, Microsoft Internet Explorer is the only web browser that supports the XAML Browser Applications used by ILINX.
Step 2: Enter the username and password established as the administrator account during installation.
The Username is not case-sensitive.
The Password is case-sensitive.
Step 3: Click on the Sign in button.
Step 4: Once logged in, the Search tab will be selected by default.
Sample Application
As part of the out-of-the-box installation, a sample application is automatically created. This application can be used during the training/testing phase, as part of your final installation, or at any time can be deleted by the administrator.
This documentation assumes you are starting from the beginning, creating a new application and all of its parts.
Admin Tab
The Admin tab will be available only when you log into ILINX Content Store with an account that is granted administrator permissions. Only accounts with administrator permissions will see this tab. From the Admin tab, you can configure many options including applications, user and group permissions, etc.
ILINX uses applications as repositories to store and manage documents. These applications are created by the administrator of the system and can be modified (within limitations) as necessary. To begin using the system at least one application must be created.
Note: Your installation will include an application named Sample Application. This application is primarily intended for testing.
All of your applications will be displayed in the main panel pictured below. Open this panel by clicking on the Applications tab in the left-hand navigation panel of the Admin tab. At the bottom of the screen, you will see buttons for the various functions you can perform with the applications. You can also right-click on an application to access the Edit and Delete options.
Note: It is recommended that you periodically backup all Applications using the Export feature and storing them into a source repository. This may also even be within the ILINX Content Store repository. Also, automated database backups should be configured as it provides a mechanism for recovering inadvertent or incorrect changes to your ILINX configurations.
Create a New Application
When you create an application, take time to consider what you will name it because the name cannot be modified once the application is created. Application names and index names allow the use of alpha characters, numeric characters, and the following select special characters:
! @ # $ % * ( ) _ – + | ?
The first character of any of these names must be an alphanumeric character.
Step 1: From the Applications main panel, click on the Add button and enter a name for this new application.
Step 2: At least one index field must be created before the application can be saved. Click on the Add button.
Step 3: Fill in the index field properties.
> Index name – Enter the name of the field; this will be the displayed label.
> Data type – Select from the following six options.
– Text – Character string with variable length; can be up to 450 characters; use the Max lines option to determine the height of the text box and how many lines of text display when viewing the document’s indexes.
– Integer – Numeric value with maximum length of 10 digits (minimum value of -2,147,483,648 to a maximum value of 2,147,483,647).
– Decimal – Numeric value with a maximum length of 15 characters, including decimal places.
– Date – Date string.
– Checklist – True/false logical operator, displayed as a checkbox.
– Picklist – Character string of pre-defined index field values; each value can be up to 251 characters. (Refer to Configure a Picklist)
Note: To configure the Picklist values, you must first add the index field and select OK and Save to store the new field in the Application. Edit the Application and select the newly created Picklist field and click Edit. Once the field properties open again, select the ‘Use user-defined values’ radio button. Select the Configure Picklist button to add the picklist values.
> Max length – This property applies only to the Text data type and is required. Enter the maximum number of characters for this field.
> Decimal point – Enter a number of decimal digits. This option is only available for the Decimal data type. The default value is 2, and the maximum value is 13.
> Required – Select to require an entry for this field. If the documents are being imported, and a field is set as required, any document without a value in that field cannot be submitted until the field contains a value. This value will not be available if the application already contains documents.
> Restricted – Select to designate the field as restricted. When setting permissions, a user group can then be disallowed from viewing this field. This option can be modified at a later time.
> Default value – Enter an initial value for the field. This value can be overwritten manually during import. This is an optional field.
> Lookup when typing this field – The value entered in this field will trigger a database lookup, and will then enter values for other specified fields automatically.
Note: For steps to configure a lookup, see the Other Topics section of this manual.
> Configure picklist – If the data type is picklist, the list of values will be created here.
Note: For steps to configure a picklist, see the Other Topics section of this manual.
Step 4: Click on OK when done entering the index field properties.
Step 5: The new index field is created, and the values selected are displayed. Use the Edit button if this field needs to be modified.
Step 6: To create more index fields, click on the Add button.
Step 7: Once the index fields are in place, click on the Save button to finish assigning them to the new application.
> The application will appear in the window display with the created date and current document count (0).
Modify an Existing Application
Step 1: From the Applications main panel, select the application you want to modify and click on Edit.
Step 2: Some editing options are not available:
> The application name cannot be modified.
> An index field cannot become required if there are currently documents in the application store.
> A required index field cannot be modified unless the required checkbox is unchecked. Once no longer required, the OK button will become active for any changes that occur.
Note: Be aware that this field may not be able to be reset to required, depending on if the application store contains any documents.
Step 3: Certain data types cannot be modified to a different data type. See the Other Topics section of this manual for more information.
Step 4: Once all edits have been performed, click on the Save button to establish the changes or click on Cancel to leave the application unchanged.
Delete An Application
Deleting an application is an operation available to the administrator and cannot be undone.
Note: Once an application is deleted, all configurations and documents it contains will be removed.
To ensure that you intend to delete the application, there are two levels of dialog boxes that are used to verify the deletion.
Step 1: From the Applications main panel, select the application you want to remove and click on Delete.
Step 2: At the Are you sure? prompt, click Yes to continue the deletion process or click No to cancel the deletion.
Step 3: If Yes is selected, a second confirmation window will appear.
> This window requires that the name of the application is entered.
> This field is case sensitive and is designed to ensure an application is not accidentally deleted.
> Enter the requested text. Once entered, the OK button will become active.
Step 4: Click on the OK button to delete the application.
Linked Servers
Note: Linked Servers must be defined using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
By linking the database used by your ILINX Content Store system with another database server you can leverage information such as index fields from the second databases and virtually attach them to your applications. You can configure these links on an application-by-application basis. This allows you to access specific and categorized sets of data. Note, if your ILINX Content Store is using a Linked Server that integrates external document metadata, the associated external documents cannot be accessed through the ILINX Content Store system.
You can also control what information is pulled from each server’s database when you select a type of join. These joins determine the relationship between the servers and control what information gets pulled from the databases. In the steps below, Venn diagrams illustrate the different types of joins.
Step 1: In the Applications main panel, select the application you want to link and click Configure linked servers.
Step 2: Use the first row of drop-down lists to select the external server, database, table, and index from which you wish to retrieve data. The options displayed in this list are determined by the relationships between servers that you have established in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Note: If you want to establish more than one link, click the Click here to add new condition button.
Step 3: In the second row of drop-down lists, select the type of join you want to establish between the two servers. These joins determine what information from the two servers will be used.
> Left Join – Returns all appropriate content from ILINX Content Store along with any related information that exists in the external database; this is the appropriate join type if you want to augment the ILINX metadata with external information.
> Right Join – Returns only ILINX Content Store document records where there is an associated record in the external database; this join can also return additional metadata from the external database.
> Inner Join – Returns only linked information.
> Full Outer Join – Returns all information.
Step 4: Fill the second row of drop-down lists with the same server information from step 2.
Step 5: In the last drop-down list of the second row, choose the index field from your application that you want to link with the index from the external server. Also available to choose from are Ident and ICS_DocumentID ILINX Index fields for additional configuration options.
Step 6: Click Test query to run a test that will reveal if your link configuration was successful. The results should display information from the two servers according to the join type that you selected.
Step 7: When you are satisfied with the link configuration, click OK.
Set Scanner Settings
You can establish a set of default scanner settings for an application from its properties window.
Step 1: From the Applications main panel, select the application for which you want to establish settings and click on Edit.
Step 2: Click the Set scanner settings button to display a list of the changeable default settings.
> Scan mode – Choose between ADF and flatbed scan modes.
> Paper size – Select the paper size of your documents for scanning.
> Resolution – Choose what resolution documents should be scanned in, calculated in dots per inch.
> Color Mode – Determine whether documents should be scanned in full color, grayscale, or black and white.
> Orientation – Choose between portrait and landscape orientations.
> Duplex – Select this checkbox if you want to scan both sides of your documents at once and if your scanner supports this feature.
> File type – Determine what file type your scanned documents should be saved as:
– TIFF – Group 4 compression – Save scans as TIFF files using Group 4 compression method.
– PDF – Searchable – Save scans as PDF files with searchable text.
– PDF – Image only – Save scans as PDF files that are images without searchable text.
– PDF/A – Save scans as PDF/A files useful for long-term archiving.
Note: Configuring the Color Mode and File format settings are required. The other settings are optional.
Step 3: Once you have made your selections click OK.
Step 4: You will be taken back to the application properties window. Click Save.
For the capture process, you can set Capture to invoke the VRS to indicate it wants VRS to stay in the memory. This will lock the driver/scanner to the capture process, allowing for faster scanning. This feature can be turned on or off by setting the key KeepScanningSessionInMemory to True or False in the following application files: Client.exe.config.deploy.
Create Associations
To make searching for captured documents more convenient, you can create associations across multiple applications. For example, you might use an application for captured invoices with an index field named “Invoice Number” and a second application for receipts that also has an invoice number index field. If you need to find all of the documents within both of the applications that have a certain invoice number in their index values, you can create an association between the two applications using that index field.
Step 1: From the Applications main panel, select the application for which you want to make an association and click on Create/Edit Associations.
Step 2: Click on Add to make a new association.
Step 3: Configure the association.
> The Source application name is automatically set to the application you selected in Step 2.
> Select the desired index field from the Source field name drop-down list.
> Select the application that you want to associate with the source application from the Target application name drop-down list.
> Select the index field you want to associate with the source field from the Target field name drop-down list.
> Click OK.
Step 4: Click Save to finish.
Now when you search for documents in the source application, right-click on a result and select Search associated applications. This will return all the documents in the target application that have the same index value in the associated index field as the result you right-clicked.
Export & Import Applications
You can migrate existing application’s configurations between ILINX Content Store systems using the Export and Import buttons on the main panel.
Note: This feature only migrates an application’s configurations. It does not copy any documents contained within the application.
To export configurations, perform the following steps:
Step 1: From the Applications main panel, select the desired application and click Export.
Step 2: Use the browse button (the ellipsis) to select the location where you want to save the configurations.
Step 3: Click OK.
To import configurations, perform the following steps:
Step 1: In the Applications main panel, click Import.
Step 2: Use the browse button (the ellipsis) to navigate to the location of the saved configurations and select the XML file.
Step 3: Choose if you want to: Import user groups and permissions – Checking this box will include any user groups and group permissions associated with the application.
Note: This feature does not copy any user profiles within the user groups.
Step 4: Click OK.
Users and Groups
Users and groups can be either built-in, or can be added from Microsoft Active Directory.
In order for security to be integrated with MS Active Directory, it must be assigned during the installation of ILINX. Only security groups from within MS Active Directory can be assigned; distribution groups cannot.
MS Active Directory users may only be added to MS Active Directory groups, and built-in users may only be added to built-in groups.
The administrator account is always a built-in account and is created during installation. This user cannot be deleted. This user has permission to the entire system, whether explicitly assigned or not.
Creating Built-In Users
Step 1: In the navigation panel, select the Users and Groups button.
Step 2: In the Users portion of the details pane, click on the Add built-in user button.
Step 3: Select the built-in security type radio button.
Note: This option will not display if Active Directory is not enabled.
Step 4: Click on the OK button.
Step 5: In the New User form, enter:
> User name – The account name the user will use to login to the system; this is not case-sensitive.
> Full name – The user’s full name; this is not required.
> Password – An initial password; the password cannot be blank and is case-sensitive.
> Email address – The user’s email address; this is required.
Step 6: If adding this user to a group, continue with this step.
Note: If not adding this user to a group at this time, move to Step 8.
> Click on the Add button.
> All groups that exist in the system will be displayed. Click on the checkbox for each group that this user should join.
> Click on the OK button.
Step 7: Click on the Save button to finish adding this user account to the system, or Cancel.
Note: If the account name entered already exists in the system, an error message will display. Click OK, and re-enter new user information.
Step 8: The user list window is displayed.
Creating Built-In Groups
Step 1: In the navigation panel, select the Users and Groups.
Step 2: In the User Groups portion of the details pane, click on the Add button.
Step 3: Select the built-in security type radio button.
Step 4: Click on the OK button.
Step 5: In the New User Group form, enter the desired group name.
Step 6: Click on the Add button to get the list of users.
Note: If not ready to add users to this group, move to Step 9.
Step 7: Check the box of each user to be added to this group. If the user list is long, use the Name contains search field to find specific names. Note that the Name column is sortable.
Step 8: Click on the OK button.
Step 9: Click on the Save button.
Step 10: All current groups will be displayed.
Adding AD Groups
Microsoft Active Directory (AD) users are not manually added into the ILINX system. Instead, all AD users can log into ILINX, but proper group security assignments must be in place in order for a user to access ILINX content and functionality. Once an AD user logs into ILINX, their name will appear in the user list.
Step 1: In the navigation panel, select the Users and Groups.
Step 2: In the User Groups portion of the details pane, click on the Add button.
Step 3: Select the Active Directory security type radio button.
Step 4: Click on the OK button.
Step 5: In the Name starts with field, enter the beginning letter(s) of the Active Directory name.
Step 6: Click on the Search button.
Step 7: From the returned names, select the checkbox of each group to be added to the system.
Step 8: Click on the OK button.
Step 9: All current groups will be displayed.
Managing Users & Groups
Once the initial users and groups are added to the system, minor tweaking may need to take place over time. Here are steps for managing such modifications. As described, a user can be modified either from the user profile or the associated built-in group profile.
Note: Active Directory Users and groups can be removed, but cannot be modified. If you would like to modify the membership of those groups, that must be done within Active Directory Services.
Modify a Current User: Remove From Group
Step 1: Select the Users and Groups button in the navigation panel and then select the user account from the details pane.
Step 2: Click on the Edit button.
Step 3: In the Member of field, select all groups that this user will be removed from. Use shift-click or ctrl-click for multiple selections.
Step 4: Click on the Remove button.
Step 5: Click on the Save button, or click on Cancel to leave without any change.
Modify a Current User: Reset Password
Step 1: Select the Users and Groups button in the navigation panel and then select the user account from the details pane.
Step 2: Click on the Change password button.
Step 3: Enter the new password; then confirm it and click on OK.
Step 4: The OK button will not be active until the New password and Confirm new password values are the same.
Step 5: Click on OK in the success message window.
Modify a Current User: Delete
Step 1: Select the Users and Groups button in the navigation panel and then select the user account from the details pane. Use shift-click or ctrl-click for multiple selections.
Step 2: Click on the Delete button.
Step 3: At the Are you sure? prompt, click Yes to confirm, No to cancel.
Note: This function is available for both built-in and Active Directory accounts. If the account is an Active Directory, then the account is not deleted, but rather no longer has rights to the ILINX system.
Modify a Group: Remove User(s) From Built-In Group
Step 1: Select the Users and Groups button from the navigation panel and then select the group account from the details pane.
Step 2: Click on the Edit button.
Step 3: In the Members field, select all users that should no longer belong to this group. Use shift-click or ctrl-click for multiple selections.
Step 4: Click on the Remove button.
Step 5: Click on the Save button, or click on Cancel to leave without change.
Modify a Group: Delete
Step 1: Select the Users and Groups button from the navigation panel and then select the group account from the details pane.
Step 2: Click on the Delete button.
Step 3: At the Are you sure? prompt, click Yes to confirm, No to cancel.
Note: This function is available for both built-in and Active Directory accounts. If the group is an Active Directory group, then it is not deleted, but rather no longer has rights to the ILINX system.
ILINX permissions are assigned at the group level. These groups can be either built-in or Active Directory groups. The Administrator will assign a group to a specific application. Once assigned, a set of permissions will be available in the details panel for that group. By default, all applications are void of any user group affiliation.
Note: You cannot configure permissions for administrator accounts; they have full access to all applications by default.
Assigning Permissions
Step 1: In the navigation panel, select Permissions.
Step 2: Select the application that you would like to assign a user group to. This can be done from the Select an application to edit permissions drop-down menu in the center panel.
Step 3: Click the Add button.
Step 4: Select the checkboxes of each group to be added to the application in the Search Results list. Use the Name contains search function to narrow the list.
Note: Administrator-level groups do not appear in this list because they are already assigned full access to every application.
Step 5: Click OK.
Step 6: Select a user group from the list chosen in step 4. Assign permissions to the group by clicking the checkboxes in the list of available permissions in the right-hand panel.
Application Permissions
Available application permissions include:
> Can search for documents – Authorize this group to search within this application. This permission can be removed for the purpose of controlling user searches using a custom View, adding security and streamlining the search process.
> Can see restricted index fields – Authorize this group to see any index field that has a designation of Restricted.
> Can update index field values – Index fields will be read-only unless checked.
> Can print document – Print option active from Results table or toolbar.
> Can email or download document – Email option active from Results table or toolbar.
> Can rotate documents – Rotation option active from the toolbar.
> Can discard other user checkouts – Undo document checkout made by another user.
Note: This permission requires the Can capture document permission to function properly.
> Can see comments – Display comments thread.
> Can add to comments – Allow comments thread entry (previous option will automatically be selected).
> Can export index values – Allow export of metadata to a comma separated (CSV) file.
> Can hide all non-redaction annotations – Allow hide annotations when viewing a document.
> Can access offline – Allow a user to create a notebook of documents to work with offline; see the Other Topics section of this manual for more information.
> Can check documents in and out – Allows users to check out documents and make modifications as desired and check back in as a new version of the document.
– Native document types will be automatically prompted to check in documents when they are saved.
> Can modify or delete document – Delete or modify options are available when stored documents are opened.
> Can capture document – The Capture tab will be available for direct scanning.
– Can see scanner dialog – Allow the user to view the scanner dialog.
> Can see all versions – Allow the user to see the complete version histories of documents in the application.
System Permissions
Available system permissions include:
> Can modify application – Allow changes made to the document application by the user.
> Can assign permissions – Allow changes made to the assigned group and user permissions made by the user.
Note: Assigning as user these system permissions will give their accounts a limited version of the Admin tab where they can create and edit users and groups, as well as assign permissions. These functions are limited to the application for which you assigned them permission.
Annotation Permissions
These permissions will control how users can interact with the different annotation types. The Select all checkbox will enable all items for that particular annotation type; unchecking it will disable all options. If the Can add checkbox or Can delete checkbox is selected, the Can see checkbox is automatically selected. The exception to this is the Redaction option, where all users can see redaction annotations by default regardless of permissions.
> Redaction – Ability to hide/add/delete redaction markers on document.
- Can Hide – this permission allows the user to hide redactions. Select Hide by default to hide annotations for this user group by default.
- Auto show redactions after X seconds – this option will show redactions after a set amount of time regardless of what the user does on the UI such as show/hide redactions.
> Highlight – Ability to see/add/delete highlight markers on the document.
> Text – Ability to see/add/delete annotation text on document.
> Line – Ability to see/add/delete line annotations on the document.
These options are meant for quick, simple annotations. In addition, a Comments thread is available for every document and may be a better option when adding text annotations.
Important Note: Annotations added within ILINX Capture will be read-only when the document is viewed in the ILINX Content Store interface throughout the duration of the workflow. These “living” annotations are available ONLY when using the ‘Is linked to Content Store application’ feature. Adding redactions, highlights, text, etc. for Capture images will permanently burn in the markups when the batch is saved or submitted.
Search Restrictions
When assigning permissions to a group, another level of security can be applied by using the search restrictions option (which allows you to configure what the user can search for).
Note: Adding multiple restrictions could potentially slow down searching, so think carefully about the number of search restrictions, or if the same result could be accomplished with fewer restrictions assigned.
To apply a search restriction, perform the following:
Step 1: Select an index Field from the drop-down list.
Step 2: Select the Operator for this field.
Step 3: Enter the value for this field.
Step 4: If more than one condition is used to establish the restriction, click on Click here to add a new condition.
Step 5: To remove a condition, right-click on the condition and select Remove this condition.
Step 6: To remove all conditions, click on Reset all search fields.
Step 7: Click on the Save button when done. The Save button is only active if a change has been made to this window.
Copy Permissions
User group permissions may also be copied within the Permissions screen. Ensure that all User Groups are added to the desired Application.
Step 1: Configure necessary permissions.
Step 2: Right click on the User Group with the assigned permissions. Select Copy.
Step 3: Highlight a different User Group and right click. Select Paste. Repeat as desired for all User Groups.
All permissions that were assigned to the original User Group will now be assigned to the new User Group.
The view capability provides the user with ultimate content “findability” and flexibility. You can use these views to segregate and secure access to documents within a single application based on any index fields, whether internal or joined as a part of an external data source binding. You can choose which fields you want to use to prompt the user or filtering and displaying results. You can even choose which search operators are available for each document index field.
Note: You should be familiar with SQL queries if you wish to use this feature. Otherwise, the integrity of the database(s) you are working with could be compromised by ill-formed queries.
Creating a View
Before you create a view, you must have an application that contains at least one captured document. To create a new view in ILINX Content Store:
Step 1: Open your instance of ILINX Content Store and click the Admin tab. Click Views, and click Add.
Step 2: Give the view a name. Once you choose a name for your view and save it, you cannot change the view’s name.
Step 3: Select whether this View will return data only or allow for user interaction.
Enabling the Data only view option will allow for a type of reporting tool which could be used to search ILINX audit data and/or link to external databases via the Linked Servers options.
Note: Using this option allows the user to only export index data as a CSV file. It will not allow the user to see any store images associated with the index data.
Step 4: Choose the application for which you wish to create an example query in the Select Application for example query drop-down menu.
Note: This page generates a default query when you select the application from the drop-down menu. The default query is a search that returns the same data as is returned when you double-click an application in the Search tab and is unfiltered.
Step 5: Enter your query in the Query text box. Click Test to test it. See Writing a Query for more information.
Note: You should always test your query before saving it. Otherwise, the ill-formed query will be available for other users to run, and your database could be compromised.
Step 6: Once you are satisfied with the query, click Save. To put the changes into effect, log out of ILINX Content Store and log back in.
Writing a Query
In order to use the query functionality of the views, it is highly recommended that you be well versed in structured query language (SQL). The queries within the views are made up of the three traditional query elements: SELECT, FROM, and WHERE. You may also use the JOIN, UNION, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY operators.
Important Note: Creating views that join multiple ICS applications is possible but requires advanced configuration and SQL experience. ImageSource strongly recommends caution when creating these types of searches as they could cause system performance degradation and unexpected product behavior.
> SELECT: This clause lists the ILINX document field names available for the selected application. These can be added or subtracted from the clause, depending on which index fields you wish to use. The exception to this rule is the built-in ICS_DocumentID field. This field is required for every query and cannot be aliased.
> FROM: This clause specifies the application’s index fields. The naming convention for the index fields is: [AppName_IDX]. This cannot be changed.
> WHERE: This clause shapes the user’s experience with the search. For each field in the document, you have these options:
– Prompt: For each FieldName added to the Where clause, a custom name can be added by entering “Prompt”:”[name]”. This option is displayed for the fields when the user is Prompted for specific parameters.
– SearchOperator: This feature allows you to control the search operators for each field in your view. You can allow all appropriate operators, or you can limit the field to a single search operator. The values you choose for each field determine the search operators that appear in the Operator drop-down menu. The options for this field depend on the data type of the index field.
• For numbers, the allowable operators are: Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo.
• For text fields, the allowable operators are: Equal, NotEqual, Contains, StartsWith, and EndsWith.
• For dates, the allowable operators are: Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo.
• For Booleans, the allowable operators are: Equal, NotEqual.
Note: Do not use operators that are not listed under the data type which matches the type of the field you are configuring. Any values that are not listed will either result in error or in unexpected behavior.
– FieldType: This field should only be modified if you are using a database from a different server. The value of this field sets the correct user interface options for that data type. Options are: _string, _int, _bigint, _decimal, _bool, _picklist.
– Readonly: Set this to true to prevent further changes. Any value other than true or false will result in an error.
– Required: Set this to true to prevent the user from submitting the search until this area has been given a value. Any value other than true or false will result in an error.
– Hidden: Set this to true to hide the field and its value from the user. Any value other than true or false will result in an error.
– DefaultValue: This can be left empty if you do not wish to set a default value for the field.
– TablePrefix: This field is set to the name of the table containing the index fields for your application in this format: [AppName_IDX]. Do not change this field unless you are using a JOIN operator.
– AND: This operator appears at the end of every line in the auto-generated query. You can use OR instead of AND if you wish. You can also use IN if you wish to compare your value to a set of values (i.e., value A, value B, and value X) as follows:
SELECT <fields> WHERE [MyField] In (‘value A’, ‘value B’, ‘value X’)
Note: WHERE clauses can also use smart fields. See Smart Fields below for more information.
> JOIN/UNION: You can use these optional operators to join your application’s database table with another application’s database table, or with a table that resides outside the ILINX database but within your local server instance. See Example 2 below for more information.
> ORDER BY/GROUP BY: You can use these optional clauses to organize the documents returned by your query. Use this syntax: ORDER BY [AppName_IDX].[FieldName].
Note: Once a View is defined and functional, making any modifications to the batch by adding a new batch field and moving the order of the fields may cause the defined View to display incorrectly. Be sure to test and inspect all Views if modifications are made to the order Batch Index fields.
Smart Fields
A Smart Field is a dynamic field within the query that is populated at execution time. These can be used for personalizing queries to the currently logged-in user. For example, you could create a view called “My locked contracts” for a single batch profile and give permissions to a group of users. When each user runs it, the query will be run against the same batch profile, but the user will only see apps he or she has locked.
Smart fields are denoted by brackets like so: “[Current User Name]”.
> CreatedByUserName: The smart field within the default WHERE clause appears as the DefaultValue for the CreatedByUserName field:
{“FieldName”:”CreatedByUserName”, “SearchOperator”:”Equal”, “FieldType”:”_string”, “Hidden”:true, “Readonly”:true, “Required”:false, “DefaultValue”:”[Current User Name]”}
View Example 1
If you want to search for a particular purchase order (found within the application “PurchaseOrders”) and find the sum of all the invoices associated with this purchase order (found within the application “Invoices”), use the following query:
SELECT a.[ICS_DocumentID], COUNT(a.INV_NUM) AS "Invoice Count", SUM(a.INV_AMT) AS "Invoice Total", b.[PO_NUM], b.[PO_AMT] FROM [Invoices_IDX] a JOIN [PurchaseOrders_IDX] b on a.[PO_NUM] LIKE b.[PO_NUM] WHERE b.{"FieldName":"PO_NUM", "SearchOperator":"Equal", "FieldType":"_string", "Readonly":false, "Required":false, "Hidden":false, "DefaultValue":""} GROUP BY a.[ICS_DocumentID], b.[PO_NUM], b.[PO_AMT]
View Example 2
If you wanted to retrieve information from a data source outside your instance of ILINX Content Store, do so using the following syntax:
For example, if you have an external data source which holds the status of a set of invoices, you could create a view that shows all the invoices in the database with a status of “Pending” using the following query:
SELECT a.[ICS_DocumentID], a.[INV_NUM] as "Invoice Num", a.[STATUS] as "Status" FROM [qadb].[TestLookup].[dbo].[Invoices] a WHERE a.STATUS = 'Pending' GROUP BY a.[ICS_DocumentID], a.[INV_NUM], a.STATUS
View Permissions
To set the permissions for a view in ILINX Content Store:
Step 1: From the Admin tab, click View Permissions. Select your desired view from the drop-down menu and click Add.
Step 2: Click the check boxes next to the user group(s) for which you want to assign permissions, then click OK.
Step 3: On the right side of the page, you can choose two options. Select Can access to allow the users in this group to use the view. Select Auto open first item after searching if you want the first item returned by the search to automatically open in the view. Once you are satisfied with your selections, click Save.
General Settings
The General Settings option helps to manage the user interface experience. This includes setting limits on search rows returned, collapsing or expanding areas of the interface by default, and other options. Each setting is a global setting; values assigned here will be applied to all applications and all users in the system.
Remember to click on the Save button after making any changes to these settings before leaving the working window.
Web Client
> Default display limit for global searches – Set the number of rows returned when running a global search.
> Default display limit for application searches – Set the number of rows returned when running a search against a single application.
> Maximum display limit for global searches – Set the maximum number of rows returned when running a global search and clicking on the See all allowable results link in the Results window header.
> Maximum display limit for application searches – Set the maximum number of rows to be returned when running a search against an application and clicking on the See all allowable results link in the Results window.
> Application group display name – Enter a label for the file cabinet in the navigation panel of the Search tab. By default, the label is Application Names.
> View group display name – Enter a label for the file cabinet in the navigation panel of the Search tab. By default, the label is View Names.
> Search instruction text lines – Edit the text that is displayed for the search instructions on the default search screen.
> Capture instruction text lines – Edit the text that is displayed for the capture instructions on the default capture screen.
> Automatically display document when a search results in a single item – If this button is checked, any search that returns only one document will automatically open that document in the document display panel. If unchecked, the search will run and display the results table with one row returned.
> Expand advanced search panel by default – If this button is checked, the Advanced Search option will be expanded when a user selects the search tab.
> Display the Modified column as the first column in the search result – If this button is checked, all search results will display with the Modified date column first (that is, farthest to the left).
> Import office registry on login – If this button is checked, the system will automatically import and run the Microsoft Office registry updater when a user logs in. The registry file allows Office file types to display within the ILINX Content Store web service.
Note: A user profile must have local administrator permissions in order for this process to run upon logging in.
> Automatically collapse advanced search panel after searching – If this box is checked, the Advanced Search panel will collapse after the user.
– Executes an advanced search.
– Double-clicks an application.
– Executes a global search.
About Screen
General information is available in the About window. This includes the following:
> The version of ILINX installed.
> A link to the ILINX Homepage.
> A link to the ILINX User Community Forum.
> A link to ImageSource Technical Support; clicking here will open a support ticket with ImageSource.
Capture Tab
ILINX Content Store supports a basic functionality for capturing documents into your ILINX Content Store repository. The capture process allows the user to scan, upload, and store documents as batches in your ILINX Content Store. For details on the usage of this feature, please see the ILINX Content Store End User Guide.
The ILINX Content Store capture tool is most useful for capturing files from your hard drive directly into your ILINX Content Store repository. You can access the full, robust utility of ILINX capture processing via the separate ILINX Capture product. Below is a list of ILINX Capture’s functions that are not available in ILINX Content Store:
> Batch management/processing
> UI for setting up barcode processing
> Database picklists for indexing
> Workflow design and processing
> Client-side scripting
> Table field data type
> Regular expressions for field validation
> Ability to release loose pages
> Read-only fields
Search Tab
This tab retrieves and displays documents stored within the ILINX Content Store repository. You can search the repository globally, by application, or with very specific search terms entered in the Advanced Search option.
This section will detail aspects of the search tab that are important to administrator accounts. For information on using the tab’s general functions, see the ILINX Content Store End User Guide.
Document Versioning
ILINX Content Store allows you to check out submitted documents from their applications. The documents are saved to your hard drive, may be edited, and then resubmitted via checking the document back in from the ILINX Content Store Application directory. As documents are edited, ILINX Content Store automatically compiles version histories of each document for easy reference and recovery. The checked out document can be restored (in the event of an error or crash), and discarded (if editing is not needed, accidental opening of the wrong document, etc.).
This check in/check out system allows for streamlined development of documents. Checking out a document also enables you to work on documentation without connecting to the network.
Native document types, such as MS Office documents or Foxit PDF editor, will automatically prompt to check in the document once it is saved in the native viewer.
Checking Out
Step 1: Using the Search tab, perform a global search or advanced search for the desired document(s) in the correct application.
Step 2: Select the document(s) you wish to check out. Multiple documents may be checked out at once.
Step 3: Right-click to open the context menu. Select Check out.
Step 4: Select a location to download the document:
> The document is downloaded to the computer hard-drive. It can be accessed directly from your computer without logging in to Content Store.
> A new option will appear above the list of applications in the Search tab, titled Checked out to me. This lists the document(s) you have checked out.
Checking In
Step 1: View the documents you have checked out by clicking the Checked out to me link in the left-hand panel. Here you will see each document’s name, the date it was retrieved, a basic description of the document, and the last time it was modified.
Step 2: Right-click on a document to access a context menu.
Step 3: Click on Check In. This option will open a new tab.
Step 4: Retrieve the document from your hard drive by clicking Browse or scan a new version by clicking Scan.
Step 5: Select whether the new version of the document is a Major change or Minor change.
Step 6: Enter a comment describing what has changed in the new version.
Step 7: Click Check in. This will save the document as a new version, retaining any changes to the index values and any annotations you made while the document was checked out.
Discarding a Check Out
If you want to remove the document from your list of checked-out documents without checking it in as a new version, you can click Discard check out. This option will return the document to checked-in status without saving it as a new version.
Version History
You can access all the previous versions of a document by right-clicking on it in the results panel and clicking Version history. In the following screen, right-click on the versions of the documents to reveal a set of commands. You can open and view the selected version, email or download the version, restore a previous version, and delete any version.
Views only appear if you have defined a view in one or more of your applications, and the views will only be visible to users who have sufficient permissions to access them.
When a batch view is double-clicked under the View names heading, the search fields (if any were defined) of the query assigned to the view will appear in the panel below. The user can click Search to run the query within the view, and the results will be displayed below. The user can select any of these entries and open the document(s) using all the functionality described in the Search tab section.
Other Topics
SQL Server OCR
You can make your documents themselves more easily searchable by activating SQL Server OCR processing. This function will identify and convert the text in image files to searchable text. For example, if you have scanned a document and saved it as a TIFF file, the OCR processing will make the text in your document searchable instead of a static image.
You can assign SQL Server OCR processing on an application-by-application basis. In your SQL Server Management Studio, open the ICS_Repositories table and activate the FullTextSearch column.
Document Retention Management
The ILINX Export document retention management functionality allows you to control the deletion and/or disposition of specific sets of content based on that content’s age or any other date-type metadata associated with the content. Additional criteria can also be defined using any of the document’s metadata field values giving you complete control over how retention rules identify content to be processed.
You also have a wide array of disposition options once a set of content has been identified for processing. You may choose to remove all evidence that the set of content ever existed. In some cases, you may want to retain all or part of the content’s metadata but purge the actual document, or maybe replace it with a boilerplate document describing your organization’s retention rules. You may have certain documents and metadata that you want to off-load out of ILINX Content Store to another system or burn to DVD. And for any of these operations, you may want someone to review and approve the retention processing before it happens. All of these capabilities and more are available in the retention management functionality.
For more information on deploying and configuring the Retention Management capabilities refer to the ILINX Export Retention Management Guide.
Microsoft Office Documents
If you are working with native Microsoft Office documents (i.e., Word, Excel, etc.), it is highly recommended that you apply the following installation file to your user workstations:
\\<Your ILINX installation directory>\ImageSource\ILINX\WebClient\SetupManual\officeHotfix.reg
Depending on your configuration, you may need to apply this registry update file. It is likely that without this file, Microsoft Office documents may open in a new Word, Excel, or PowerPoint window outside the ILINX client. For more information on correcting this behavior, please refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base article.
Additionally, if you would like to suppress the “Open, Save, Cancel” prompt when opening Microsoft Office documents, apply the following file to your user workstations:
\\<Your ILINX installation directory>\ImageSource\ILINX\WebClient\SetupManual\AutoOpenOffice.reg
Enabling Automatic Idle Timeout
You can establish an automatic timeout for the ILINX Content Store client application based on a specified time. With this option enabled, a user profile that has been left idle for your specified amount of time will automatically be logged out and asked to re-authenticate. To enable this option, follow these steps:
Step 1: In your system’s installation folders, navigate to Program Files\ImageSource\ILINX\Web Client\Application Files\client version.
Step 2: Open the Client.exe.config.deploy XML file.
Step 3: Find the “EnableIdleTimeout” key, and set its value to true (the default value is false).
Step 4: Specify the amount of idle time required before an automatic timeout by entering a value for the “IdleTimeoutInMinutes” key (the default value is 15). As indicated by the key’s name, this value is in minutes.
Enabling ADFS Logging
You can enable ADFS logging for the ILINX Content Store. This option will log events made by the ADFS system in regards to ILINX Content Store. These are added to the ImageSource even log files. To enable this option, follow these steps:
Step 1: In your system’s installation folders, navigate to Program Files\ImageSource\ILINX\WCF\.
Step 2: Open the Web.config XML file.
Step 3: Find the “EnableADFSLogging” key, and set its value to true (the default value is false).
Step 4: Save the file.
Custom Menu
If you have created a custom help page to assist your system’s users, you can link directly to the page on the ILINX Content Store web service. This link can point to any URL.
Step 1: In your system’s installation folders, navigate to Program Files\ImageSource\ILINX\Web Client\Application Files\client version.
Step 2: Open the Client.exe.config.deploy XML file.
Step 3: Configure the custom help URL by modifying the menuItem node in the XML file.
> For example, <add key=”HelpLink” value=”http://myserver/myhelp.htm” />
Step 4: After modifying the XML file, you must execute the mageui.exe utility as described in the ILINX Installation Guide.
Step 5: A Help dropdown will now appear in the upper right-hand corner of the web service interface beside the username.
Changing the Client Name
You can customize the product label of your ILINX Content Store Client with any text you want.
Step 1: In your system’s installation folders, navigate to Program Files\ImageSource\ILINX\Web Client\Application Files\client version.
Step 2: Open the Client.exe.config.deploy XML file.
Step 3: Alter the product label by modifying the LogoText node in the XML file.
> For example, <add key=”LogoText” value=”My ILINX Test System” />
Step 4: After modifying the XML file, you must execute the mageui.exe utility as described in the ILINX Installation Guide.
Your custom label will now display in the upper left-hand corner of the web service interface beside the ILINX logo.
Custom Forgotten Password Page
If you have created a custom page for your users to access if they have forgotten their login password, you can link directly to the page on the ILINX Content Store login screen.
Step 1: In your system’s installation folders, navigate to Program Files\ImageSource\ILINX\Web Client\Application Files\client version.
Step 2: Open the Client.exe.config.deploy XML file.
Step 3: Configure the custom URL by modifying the ForgotPasswordLink node in the XML file.
> For example: <add key=”ForgotPasswordLink” value=”http://myserver/myforgotpasswordpage.htm” />
Step 4: After modifying the XML file, you must execute the mageui.exe utility as described in the ILINX Installation Guide.
Step 5: The login screen will now display a Forgot your password? button that links to your designated URL.
Windows Integrated Security
This feature, when enabled, allows the ILINX Content Store client to pick up the user’s Windows security token and pass it back to the ILINX server for authentication. This feature allows domain users to access the ILINX clients without re-entering their domain username and password. This is similar to the Remember me option, except that it does not need to prompt the user for an initial set of credentials, nor will it prompt the user if their domain password is changed.
Note: This feature is only available with Windows domain security. If users are logging into their Windows client with a local account, this feature will not function.
When the Windows Integrated Security feature is enabled, the Remember me option will not be available to users. For information on configuring this feature, refer to the ILINX Installation guide.
Global Search Visibility
The Global search functionality may be configured to be hidden or visible to users within the client interface. This option is configured “False” by default. To configure the Global Search to be hidden:
Step 1: Open the ILINX Content Store database.
Step 2: Modify the ‘ICS_AppSettings’ table.
Step 3: Set the ‘GlobalSearchIsNotVisible’ key to “True”.
Step 4: Save the changes.
Step 5: The clients must be restarted to view the changes made.
Removing Remember Me
By default, the web service login screen displays a Remember me option that will make the web service remember the user and remove the login process. You can disable this option if you want to require users to enter their username and password every time they log in.
Step 1: In your system’s installation folders, navigate to Program Files\ImageSource\ILINX\Web Client\Application Files\client version.
Step 2: Open the Client.exe.config.deploy XML file.
Step 3: Adjust the HideRememberMeCheckboxLoginScreen value.
> For example, <add key=”HideRememberMeCheckboxLoginScreen” value=”true” />
Step 4: After modifying the XML file, you must execute the mageui.exe utility as described in the ILINX Installation Guide.
Step 5: The login screen will no longer display the Remember me option.
Comments Section
This section is available at the bottom of the display window when viewing a captured document. In this section, multiple users can make and view comments about the document. Permissions are set by the Administrator to determine if a group can view comments and/or add comments for all documents within a given application.
> A discussion entry can have up to 1,000 characters per entry. A visual of the number of characters entered will appear next to the discussion box as the text is entered.
> The Discussion Thread Panel can be collapsed or expanded by the user as desired.
> Choose to sort discussion entries by the most recent or oldest.
> When a comment is added to a thread, the user’s name and the date entered are attached to the comment.
> Once saved, a comment cannot be removed, and previously entered comments cannot be modified.
Configuring Database Lookup
During the Capture process, or when modifying indexes, the user can utilize a database lookup to help enter index field values. An index field must be assigned as the trigger from which the lookup occurs. Information retrieved by the lookup will display in a table view, allowing the operator to select the row that will then automatically fill in selected index fields.
The index field that will be used for this purpose must be created first. Once created, follow the process below to create the lookup.
Step 1: In the Admin tab, go to Applications. Select the application you want to configure and then click on Edit.
Step 2: Select the index field that will be designated as the lookup key and click on Edit.
Step 3: Select the Lookup when typing this field checkbox.
Step 4: Click on Configure to begin the lookup wizard.
Step 5: Configure the database connection.
> Select the database type from the drop-down list; the associated port number will appear but can be modified if necessary.
> Select the driver.
> Enter the name of the database server.
> Enter the username and password to the data source.
> Click on Test connection to validate the settings; the databases available will not appear until the connection is tested.
> When validated, a message box saying the test was successful will appear; click OK.
> Select the database name from the drop-down list.
> Select the schema.
> Click on Next.
Step 6: Design the lookup configuration.
> Select the data source type.
> Choose the data source from the drop-down list.
> Enter a value for the minimum number of characters entered before lookup occurs, or select the option Lookup when tab out to implement the tab key as a trigger for the lookup.
> Build the SQL command, using the example as a guide.
Note: The first entry in the query determines the number of rows returned.
> Click on Details to the right of the data source type drop-down list to display a list of the database columns. Copy the database column values from this list and paste them into the appropriate places in the SQL command field using right-click options or ctrl-c and ctrl-v commands.
> If necessary to change the database connection, click on the Change database connection button.
> Once the query is built, click on the Test query button.
Note: The Finish button will not be active until the query is tested.
> Enter a value to search on or enter no value to do an unabated search.
> If successful, the Test results table displays returned values.
> Click on the Finish button to complete the lookup configuration, the Back button to modify any settings, or the Cancel button to exit the wizard without saving.
Step 7: Once configured, an index designed as a lookup field will appear underlined.
> If multiple fields are found during the lookup, each will appear in a table for the operator to choose the correct entry.
> More than one field might be designated as a lookup field. In this case, values can be entered in any of the lookup fields to begin the discovery.
> Lookups can be used after capture has taken place; it will be active when reviewing the index fields of stored documents.
Configuring a Picklist
One of the index field types available for applications is the picklist. Using a pre-defined picklist of values can help ensure consistency. When an index field is designated as a picklist, a drop-down list of options becomes available for that field, whether in the Capture Tab or when editing a document’s indexes. Use the “assign permission” option to limit the list of values by group, allowing only pertinent values to be displayed for the group.
Step 1: In the Admin tab, go to Applications. Select an application that contains an index field with the data type set to picklist.
Note: To configure the Picklist values, you must first add the index field and Save the Application to apply the newly created field.
Step 2: Select the picklist index field and click Edit.
Step 3: Click on the Configure picklist button.
Step 4: To configure the picklist:
> In the top pane, enter each Picklist entry on its own line. Note that you can paste values into this pane. Each entry has a limit of 257 characters.
> Click on Add when done entering values.
Note: Regardless of the order entered, all values will be listed alphabetically.
Step 5: By default, all groups have permission to select any entered value. To modify a group’s permission so that certain values do not appear when entering metadata or in the advanced search:
> Select a group from the drop-down list; only groups with access permission to this application will appear.
> Uncheck any value this group should not be able to assign.
> Click on Apply.
> Continue until all group permissions have been modified.
Step 6: Click on Close.
Modifying a Picklist
To add a new value to an existing picklist:
Step 1: Return to configure picklist and enter the value(s) in the upper pane.
Step 2: Click on the Add button to finish adding.
To delete a value from an existing picklist:
Step 1: Click on the value name to select (use shift-click or ctrl-click to choose more than one).
Note: The checkbox does not select a value for deletion.
Step 2: Click on the Delete button.
Step 3: When you see the Are you sure prompt, click Yes to finish deletion.
To rename a value in an existing picklist:
Step 1: Select the value to be renamed (not the checkbox).
Step 2: Click on the Edit button.
Step 3: Modify the name and click Save to complete.
Note: Any previously entered values will not be updated with the new field value. To update, if desired, search for all documents with the original value, and then use the Update index fields option to replace simultaneously with the new value.
Notebook of Offline Content
To view and manage documents within ILINX, a user must log in to the system. However, the ability exists to assemble a selection of documents into a notebook, which is then deposited onto a user’s computer. Once there, the files can be viewed and modified. These changes are held locally until the user runs a synchronization process after re-connecting to the network. The notebook option is available to users only if their user group has been granted explicit rights to it.
For example, you might have a set of documents that cannot be emailed or printed. They need to be reviewed by a team that will be off-site. The documents are selected and assigned to a notebook on a laptop. The laptop is taken off the network and brought to the meeting, where the documents are reviewed and, in some cases, annotations added and index values modified.
To transfer these updates to the system, the notebook is synced to the ILINX system. If no updates have been made, the notebook can be deleted when no longer needed.
Note: If a notebook is created in a folder that already has a notebook, the previous notebook will be overwritten.
Creating and Managing
Creating a Notebook
Step 1: In the Search tab, run either a global or application-specific search that returns the documents you want to place in a notebook.
Step 2: Select the checkboxes of all documents to be included in the offline notebook.
> Documents cannot be added to a notebook from the pinned area.
Step 3: Right-click on one of the selected documents and select Create notebook.
Step 4: Browse to a local or network drive, open or create a folder to store the notebook, and click on OK.
Step 5: Enter a username and a password for logging in to the notebook.
Step 6: Select the Read-only check box if you want to prevent users from altering the documents in the notebook.
Step 7: Choose when the notebook will expire from the drop-down list. The options range from 24 hours to 120 days.
Step 8: Click OK. The notebook has been created.
Opening a Notebook
Step 1: Open the folder where the notebook resides to see a subfolder called ILINX Notebook.
Step 2: Open the ILINX Notebook folder and double-click the XAML Browser Application named ILINXNotbook.xbap.
Step 3: The browser window will open allowing you to log in to ILINX.
Note: You must log in with the username and password entered when creating the notebook.
Step 4: In the Search tab, double-click an application to display the documents.
Step 5: Manage the documents as you would if connected to the network.
Syncing a Notebook
Step 1: Once you are back on the network, or when updates are ready, navigate to and double-click on the XAML Browser Application in the notebook folder (ILINXNotebook.xbap).
Step 2: Log in with the account that created the notebook.
Step 3: Click on the sync button (located to the left of the user drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner) to update the system documents.
Step 4: The message All documents and index values have been synced will display upon successful completion. Click the OK button.
Application Programming Interface
Samples projects illustrating how to call ILINX web services are provided in the installation directory. For more information, see the document titled ILINX Content Store Technical Guide.
Creating an Addressable Search
There are opportunities to provide shortcut links to documents within ILINX. A link to a document can be created and shared by right-clicking the document in the Search tab, clicking the Email option, and choosing the email type As link. This creates a link to that particular document using the application name and the document object identifier (GUID).
A link can also be created to automate returning a result set from a pre-determined search. This allows the creation of a type of addressable search where a user is “handed” a set of documents without having to enter any search criteria. These links can be used by other third-party software. When the link is selected by a user, it will always route first to the login screen.
There are three types of addressable search links: global, application-specific, and view-specific.
Global Search Link
This link will create a dynamic shortcut to currently stored documents meeting one value. This value will be entered into the global search field. To create a global search link, use the following structure, where the bold blue text values are determined in-house:
http://[your server URL]/ILINXCS/?mode=globalsearch&q=search value
As an example, if you wish to provide a link to allow someone to easily find all documents in the system with a value in an index field named Invoice, the link would look like this:
Note: Multiple index fields/values can be added to the link, using an ampersand (&) as a separator. To include spaces in your URL, replace the space character with “%20”.
Considerations When Using This Option
> Only one keyword value can be included
> After login, the index value from the link will be deposited in the global search field, allowing the user the ability to edit from that point
> While the operator is entered as an equal, remember that this is a like operator
Note: Only two operators are supported: = (equals) and & (ampersand)
The user can build a construct such as:
http://localhost/ilinxcs/?mode=advsearch&appname=FirstTest&stridex=”sa 4/23/2013″&intidx=8
but not
http://localhost/ilinxcs/?mode=advsearch&appname=FirstTest&stridex=”sa 4/23/2013″&intidx<8
> The link is not case-sensitive
Application-Specific Search Link
This link will create a dynamic shortcut to currently stored documents that meet specific criteria. Required values in the link include the name of the application in which to search and at least one index field and value. Multiple index fields/values can be added to the link, using an ampersand (&) as a separator. To create an application search link, use the following structure, where the bold blue text values are determined in-house:
http://your server URL/ILINXCS/?mode=advsearch&appname=AppName&fieldname1=fieldvalue1
> AppName: The name of the application you wish to search against.
> Fieldname1: The name of the field you wish to search for. You can add multiple search fields.
> ViewerFitWidth=1: A parameter to control whether the viewer is set to fit width. Set this parameter to 0 if this behavior is not desired.
> DisplayLeftPanel=0: Including this parameter will hide the document navigation panel on the left.
As an example, if you wish to provide a link to allow someone to easily find all documents in the HR Documents application for an employee named smith, whose employee ID includes the number 93, it would look like this: Documents&Employee Name=smith&Employee ID=93
Note: Multiple index fields/values can be added to the link, using an ampersand (&) as a separator. To include spaces in your URL, replace the space character with “%20”.
View-Specific Search Link
This URL will create a dynamic shortcut to run a predefined ILINX Content Store view with criteria specified in the URL. To use this link, you must have a view already defined, and your URL must include the name of the view and the fields/values you defined as search criteria in that view. To create a view search link, use the following structure, where the bold blue text values are determined in-house:
http://your server URL/ILINXCS/?mode=viewsearch&viewname=ViewName&fieldname1=fieldvalue1
Note: Multiple index fields/values can be added to the link, using an ampersand (&) as a separator. To include spaces in your URL, replace the space character with “%20”.
Considerations When Using This Option
> The search value(s) will be entered into the advanced search field(s), allowing the user easy editing from that point.
> While the operator is entered as an equal in the URL, remember that these values are placed into the advanced search, and the default operators are then honored.
> The link is not case-sensitive.
Capture Direct Option
For those systems with multiple applications, there is a simple way to control capturing to a particular application. This link can be used to ensure all shortcuts, and captured items can only be attached to the chosen application
> The link is as follows, where the bold blue text is replaced with your server URL and then the desired mode to “capture”:
http://your server URL/ILINXCS /?mode=capture&appname=Application Name
Log Files
There are two locations log files are stored. The ILINX log file captures events associated with the ILINX Import Service. The Internet Information Services (IIS) log file captures events having to do with the general usage of ILINX. There are two types of log files that ILINX generates in each of the locations.
The locations of these log directories are:
> ILINX log – ..\ProgramData\ImageSource\ILINX\logs\
– ImageSourceAudit.log– This log captures user actions such as security, compliance, etc. By default, this log file is stored for 60 days and then automatically scheduled for deletion.
– ImageSource.log– This log capture systems operations. This may include audit type functionality however it also logs ERROR, INFO, & DEBUG activities. By default, this log file is stored for 30 days and then automatically scheduled for deletion.
> Information Services (IIS) log – ..\ProgramData\ImageSource\Internet Information Services\logs\
– Content StoreAudit.log– This log captures user actions such as security, compliance, etc. By default, this log file is stored for 60 days and then automatically scheduled for deletion.
– ContentStore.log– This log capture systems operations. This may include audit type functionality however it also logs ERROR, INFO, & DEBUG activities. By default, this log file is stored for 30 days and then automatically scheduled for deletion.
Note: At midnight when the logging is restarted, each of the log file names are updated to include the Date the logs were written.
Audit Logs
Audit records are provided in the following format:
Date Time [server] [category] [thread id] [audit event code] [Application] [Doc ID] message
Note: For some audit entries the “Application” and/or “Doc ID” values may be empty. The audit event codes are broken into value ranges for easy searching and reporting.
** Logging into ICS: failure, built-in account, AD account 08-18-2016 08:33:54 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [1000] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Login failed 08-18-2016 08:33:56 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [1000] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Logged in using built-in credentials 08-18-2016 08:58:22 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [1000] [janedoe] [ ] [ ] User 'janedoe' signed in 08-18-2016 09:00:25 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [1001] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Logged out at the host: [johnspc]
** Searching: global, advanced, view execution 08-18-2016 08:34:02 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2500] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Global search executed, returning 1 result 08-18-2016 08:34:06 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2510] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [] Advanced search executed, returning 8 results 08-18-2016 08:46:31 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2520] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] View search 'Sample view' executed, returning 8 results
** Document operations: open, print, download, email 08-18-2016 08:34:40 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2405] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] opening document. 08-18-2016 08:35:08 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2406] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] document printed. 08-18-2016 08:35:39 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2404] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] document downloaded. 08-18-2016 08:35:48 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2403] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] document emailed.
** Document modifications: create, annotating (add & modify), index value change, version control operations, delete 08-18-2016 08:38:56 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [85] [2100] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [0e67564b-a40a-40c9-b3ae-045fbddd8c4d] New document created 08-18-2016 08:34:49 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2104] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] Annotations added to document 08-18-2016 08:34:58 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2204] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] Annotations updated in document 08-18-2016 08:34:50 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2200] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] User changed index values for docs with - Field Name 'Document Name', from value 'Sample Multipage Tiff' to value 'Sample Multipage Tiff modified' 08-18-2016 08:37:12 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2400] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [59f7330b-082d-4a0c-9e3c-2868a613b126] Document checked out 08-18-2016 08:37:42 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [85] [2401] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [59f7330b-082d-4a0c-9e3c-2868a613b126] New version '2.0' of document checked in 08-18-2016 08:38:05 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [85] [2402] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [27964b11-bf7b-448d-941c-08a44896cb1d] Document check out discarded 08-18-2016 08:36:58 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2300] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] Document deleted
** Notebook creation: list of added documents 08-18-2016 08:36:14 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [90] [2130] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Create notebook for document(s) 08-18-2016 08:36:29 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2130] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] Document added to notebook... 08-18-2016 08:36:29 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2130] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [7a36db4f-c409-405c-b2a7-10338bd17947] Document added to notebook... 08-18-2016 08:36:29 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2130] [johndoe] [Sample Application] [dde29a2f-c701-4d5c-a2c4-5769095aa0dd] Document added to notebook...
** Document index values exported via search results 08-18-2016 08:36:49 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2407] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Exported index data for docs:591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2,7a36db4f-c409-405c-b2a7-10338bd17947,dde29a2f-c701-4d5c-a2c4-5769095aa0dd,631d8702-82cf-4a9b-b560-b292921016c1,225a623c-1708-4054-9d57-3767fac8bcbb,27964b11-bf7b-448d-941c-08a44896cb1d,5bdba8f7-70f7-41cc-8b94-27f970063813,59f7330b-082d-4a0c-9e3c-2868a613b126
** Repository modifications 09-30-2016 08:52:02 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [48] [2110] [johndoe] [My Killer App] [ ] New repository created 09-30-2016 09:05:08 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [48] [2203] [johndoe] [My Killer App] [ ] Index field 'State' added to repository 09-30-2016 09:06:06 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [48] [2212] [johndoe] [My Killer App] [ ] Index field 'City' updated in repository 09-30-2016 09:05:41 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [48] [2213] [johndoe] [My Killer App] [ ] Index field 'Address' deleted from repository 09-30-2016 09:21:34 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [48] [2600] [johndoe] [My Killer App] [ ] Repository security settings have been modified for user group 'Claims Group' 09-30-2016 09:22:30 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [48] [2310] [johndoe] [My Killer App] [ ] Repository deleted
Server Logs
The following actions are written to the Server log file:
Logging into and out of the system | User ‘example’ logged in using built-in credentials. ’example’ signed in from ‘ExampleMachine’ User ‘example’ signed out from ‘ExampleMachine’ |
Creating an application | Added ‘Example Application’ as a new repository User ‘example’ attempting to set the sort order on repository ‘Example Application’ Setting column order on Repository ‘Example Application’ User ‘example’ attempting to set the settings XML on repository ‘Example Application’ |
Editing an application | Now creating an index on column ‘[number]’ in the table ‘[Example Application_IDX]’ Application updated successfully. |
Deleting an application | Deleted ‘Example Application’ repository |
Exporting and importing application information | User ‘example’ exported repository ‘ImageSource’. User ‘example’ imported repository ‘Example – Copy’ |
Running a global or advanced search | User ‘example’ run global search User ‘example’ getting annotation permissions on repository ‘Example Application’ ‘example’ gets doc permission from ‘Example Application’ repository User ‘example’ running an advanced search on repository ‘Example Application’ |
Creating users and user groups | Added ‘example’ as a new user Added ‘group1’ as a new user group |
Deleting and editing users and user groups | Updated ‘example’ Updated user group |
Changing a user’s password | Attempting to change the password for user ‘example’ The password has been set. |
Opening a document | User ‘example’ attempting to retrieve history for docID ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ in repository ‘Example Application’ User ‘example’ accessing document messages for docID ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ in repository ‘Example Application’ |
Editing a document’s index values | User ‘example’ changed index values for docs ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ to – Field Name ‘Example Index’, from value ‘Initial value’ to value ‘Changed value’ |
Checking out and checking in a document | User ‘example’ attempting to check out document ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ in repository ‘Example Application’ User ‘example’ attempting to check in docID ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ in repository ‘Example Application’ |
Downloading a document | User ‘example’ download docs: ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ |
Emailing a document | User ‘example’ emailed docs: ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ |
Printing a document | User ‘example’ printed docs: ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ |
Retrieving a document’s history | User ‘example’ attempting to retrieve history for docID ‘dc6fcbec-04bb-409e-bb4d-ce3412152691’ in repository ‘Example Application’ |
Creating a notebook | User ‘example’ create a notebook for the document(s) |
Note: ILINX Content Store 5 and newer has the functional capability to have all logs written to a database instead of being written to a file. All of the same actions that are written to the log file by default (listed above) would be written to the database. Out of the box, the system is designed and configured to write logs to the file system. If you would like to have your logs written to a database, contact ImageSource Technical Support for assistance.
Advanced Auditing
In addition to the default logging functionality, you can configure the logging system in a variety of ways. You can write the logs to the file system (like in the default case), or you could write them to a database table. In addition, you can easily configure the logging system to send notification emails if an event of a certain type is recorded, such as warnings or errors.
To configure email notifications:
Step 1: Navigate to the directory in which your instance of ILINX Content Store is installed. Open the ILINXContentStore directory.
Step 2: Navigate to WCF > bin and open the log4net.xml file.
Step 3: Scroll until you see the appender node named “SmtpAppender”. Modify the appropriate values with your email configuration:
to value=”“
from value=”“
subject value=”test logging message“
smtpHost value=”YourSmtpHost“
username value=”XXX“
password value=”XXX“
threshold value=”ERROR“
conversionPattern value=”%date{MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss} [%property{log4net:HostName}] [%level] [%thread] – %message%newline“
Step 4: Under threshold, you can enter INFO, DEBUG, WARN, or ERROR, depending on what kinds of errors you want logged via email.
Step 5: Scroll all the way down to the bottom and locate the logger. Under the existing <appender-ref> nodes, remove the comment characters ‘<!- –‘ & ‘– ->‘ from the following line :
<!- –<appender-ref ref=”SmtpAppender” />– ->
Step 6: Save and exit the file. Assuming all the specifications you entered are correct, you will begin to receive emails at the next occurrence of your specified logging event.
Note: Depending on which type of logging event you chose, you could receive a very large volume of emails. Choose the threshold value based on the volume of emails you wish to receive.
Other Important File Locations
Two other folders house user data and application data. You may need to access these folders from time to time to clear out old settings. Some of these folders are hidden by default by Microsoft Windows.
Application cache folder – C:\Users\<Logged In User>\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
User working folders – C:\Users\<Logged In User>\AppData\Local\ImageSource\ILINX
> In this folder you should see folders for all the users that have logged on from this profile. In these folders are all the working files(in progress or un-submitted) for each user that ever logged into ILINX
Note: This folder is in the default location, this can be changed in the web.Config file if desired.
Troubleshooting / FAQs
1. | What file formats are supported? | The supported image file formats include: tiff, png, jpeg, bmp, gif, pdf, mp3, mp4, aiff, asf, au, avi, dvr-ms, m1v, mid, midi, mpe, mpeg, mpg, rmi, vob, wav, wm, wma, wmv, dat, flv, txt. For non-image file formats (e.g., MS Office DOC, XLS and PPT) the document will display inside of the display panel, using its native application browser plug-in. The context menu will change to maintain the same functionality as it has in the native program. Note: File formats where browser plug-ins are not available, the files will launch in their locally installed native application outside of the display panel. |
2. | What happens if a user opens a document and modifies properties while another user is doing the same thing? | The updates from the last user to hit save will be retained. |
3. | We use a picklist index field, but we will be importing documents from our ILINX Capture system. What happens if the index value from the import file does not have a value in the picklist? | The index value in the data file will be imported and entered in the index field. It will be available for only that document, and if updated with a picklist value, the original value will be discarded. |
4. | When we installed ILINX, we chose not to use Active Directory. Our company now wants us to use Active Directory. Can we still integrate with AD? | Please contact ImageSource Support for help with this request. |
5. | How do I upgrade my application? | Before attempting an upgrade, please contact ImageSource support to ensure a successful upgrade. |
6. | How do I open a support ticket with ImageSource? | Login as the administrator; go to the admin tab, select about. Click on the blue link to the ImageSource Technical Support site and fill out the presented form. |
7. | Are there any characters that should not be used in an application name? | The only special characters a user may use are ( _-? ) as long as they are preceded by an alpha character. |
8. | Are there any characters that should not be used in an index field name? | The only special characters a user may use are ( _-? ) as long as they are preceded by an alpha character. |
9. | Using the Import service to import documents from ILINX Capture to ILINX Content Store, a file may not get imported, and no error is recorded. Is there a way to ensure this does not happen? | The watched folder is continually monitored. If the system sees an appropriate metadata-text file, it will read it. If the image file has not been placed into the watched folder at that time, it will not be able to import the document. Moving the documents into the folder first will alleviate this issue. |
10. | When an index field is modified, is that logged somewhere? | The IIS log file (see the section on Log Files) will document every modification to a field, including previous value, new value, and the user who performed the changes. Administrators should become familiar with the logs. |
11. | I changed the built-in username, and now I am unable to log in? | If you ever change the built-in username, you must also change the password, or you will be unable to log in. |
12. | Errors occur when users are using the indexing panel or custom forms. How can I troubleshoot these errors? | For client-side errors, the first step is to confirm whether the issue is occurring for multiple clients. Then, recompile all your extension IXMs. If using Visual Studio to create your extensions, ensure you have copied the required Capture dependency DLLs from your Capture server into your build environment. |
13. | Errors occur when using the workflow. How can I troubleshoot these errors? | You can debug these events in two ways: › Server extension: You can use a server extension to implement the iLogging interface. Or, with compiled extensions, you can upload code with .PDB file and use a remote debugger. › Database lookup: You can use a database lookup to debug the workflow errors with information from the database. |
14. | My database lookup failed, or I get an error when typing into a database lookup field. What should I do? | Find the affected index field and run through the configuration wizard for the database lookup for that field. |
15. | I’m getting errors in my form. What should I do? | Try the following three options: check log files for detailed error information, check and confirm that your form .config file options are correct, and publish form package with .PDB file and use Visual Studio debugging on the form. |
16. | I’m getting a workflow error that seems to be related to the database. These may include multiple error manifestations or errors pointing to SQL connectivity / OLE DB connection problems. What should I do? | 1. Check database connection strings and service accounts. 2. Confirm IIS App pool service accounts are correct. 3. Check all connection strings in workflow for accuracy. 4. Check the configurations of all Database Lookup IXM’s. 5. Check the form settings connection strings. Note: Most lookups use integrated security through the IIS app pool service account, database lookup IXM’s, on the other hand, use an explicit account. |
17. | I’m getting this error: “Workflow Error: Workflow aborted: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” | Most of the time this is due to an index field being referenced that does not exist. Check this line for an incorrect index field name: batch.IndexValues.Find(i=>i.Name ==“wrong field name”).Value; Note: the calls to find index values are case-sensitive. |
18. | Internet Explorer pops up a download dialog, closes it, opens an IE instance, closes that, opens the download dialog, etc. Continues looping trying to execute running on a client machine. | Ensure the default web browser is set to Internet Explorer (not Edge). This behavior is found when the XBAP is trying to run on an incorrect web browser type (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, etc.). |
19. | Error “Send mail failed! Not supported [26]” displays when trying to email a document as a link or attachment | 1. Quit all programs. 2. Rename the msmapi32.dll file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\system\MSMAPI\1033\ folder to “msMapi32.old” (without quotation marks). 3. Locate the Fixmapi.exe file in the C:\Windows\System32 folder, and then double-click Fixmapi.exe to run the program. 4. Restart your computer. |