- Admin Tab
- The Report tab
- Assigned Work Tab
- Assigned Views Tab
- Administrator & Developer Tools
- Other Topics
ILINX Capture, a key component of the ILINX ECM Platform, provides complete document automation, streamlining the process of acquiring, storing, accessing and securely routing documents; while maintaining a lean, agile, and highly adoptable design.
Because it is browser-based, ILINX® Capture empowers anyone in your organization to easily capture information right at their desktop. The same is true for the management of the application, allowing deployment, administrative control, updates and upgrades from a central location.
This guide contains information on how to configure the ILINX Capture application, administrator tools and options.
Note: This guide assumes that installation of the ILINX Capture product has taken place. For complete installation documentation, please see the ILINX Installation Guide.
In order to access the system, you must know the following:
> ILINX Capture Administrator user name and password.
> URL assigned to connect to the system.
Step 1: From an internet browser window, enter the ILINX Capture URL for your system.
http://[chosen URL]/ILINXC
The URL is not case sensitive.
Note: Currently, Microsoft Internet Explorer is the only web browser that supports the XAML Browser Applications used by ILINX.
Step 2: Enter the user name and password established as the administrator account during installation.
The user name is not case sensitive.
The password is case sensitive.
Step 3: Click on the Sign in button.
Step 4: Once logged in, the Assigned Work tab is open by default.
Admin Tab
The first step in configuring ILINX Capture is creating a set of batch profiles. To begin this process, click on the Admin tab on the left side of the screen, and then on Batch Profiles in the left panel.
This documentation assumes you are starting from the beginning, creating new batch profiles and workflows.
Note: The administrator tab will initially only be available when logging into ILINX Capture with the Administrator account created during installation. No other account will see this tab unless the Administrator grants another account the appropriate permissions. From the Admin tab, the Administrator will configure options related to batch profiles, permissions, etc.
Batch Profiles
ILINX Capture uses batch profiles as the definitions for capturing documents. The batch profile contains the metadata schema and workflow for documents passing through the system. These batch profiles are created by the Administrator of the system and can be modified as necessary. To begin using the system, at least one batch profile must be created. A batch profile consists of a workflow definition and at least one document type. Custom index fields can be defined at the batch or document level.
Note: It is recommended that you periodically backup all Batch Profiles using the Export feature and storing them into a source repository. This may also even be within the ILINX Content Store repository. Also automated database backups should be configured as it provides a mechanism for recovering inadvertent or incorrect changes to your ILINX configurations.
Batch profile, document type, and index field names allow the use of alpha characters, numeric characters, and the following select special characters:
! @ # $ % * ( ) _ – + | ?
The first character of any of these names must be an alphanumeric character.
Batch Profiles Main Panel
The Batch Profiles panel displays a list of all configured batch profiles. This panel is the interface for adding new batch profiles or editing existing profiles.
The panel displays the following options.
> Add – Creates a new batch profile and launches the batch profile configuration panel.
> Edit – Launches the batch profile configuration panel for the profile you have selected.
> Unlock and edit – If the batch profile is open or has been modified by another Administrator it may be locked from editing. Clicking this button will allow you to edit however all changes made by the other Administrator may be lost.
> Delete – Deletes the selected batch profile.
> Export – Saves a copy of the currently selected batch profile’s configurations to a designated location.
> Import – Creates a batch profile copy from configurations saved at a designated location. You can access more options by right-clicking on a specific batch profile.
> Configure workflow for new batches – Takes you directly to the Workflow Designer screen where you can create new workflows or modify existing workflows. Using this editing mode, workflow changes are applied only to new batches that are created after the changes are saved. Batches that already exist in the workflow system are not affected.
> Configure workflow for new and in process batches – Takes you directly to the Workflow Designer where you can create new workflows or modify existing workflows. Using this editing mode, changes to your workflow are applied to both existing and new batches. Applying workflow changes to a system with a large number of existing batches can take several minutes. For this reason the “Configure workflow for new batches” option is recommended unless your business requirements dictate that existing batches must be updated.
> Configure client-side processing – Allows you to set separation and data extraction actions and configure extensions.
> Workflow threshold – An extension may be written or uploaded to execute custom code to be executed when a specific event has been met. Examples of code is available in both and C#. Configuration of the Workflow threshold is similar to configuring Client-side or Server-side Processing.
> Configure email notification for Errors queue – With this function, you can configure an automated email response to be sent when a batch encounters an error in its workflow. Clicking the Configure button will open a new tab in which you will see the following fields:
– SMTP host – Enter the address of your SMTP host.
– SMTP port – Enter the appropriate port (the default is port 25).
– From – Enter an address to send the email from.
– To – Enter an address to send the email to.
– Cc – If desired, enter an address to carbon copy the email to.
– Subject – Enter a subject line for the email. This field contains example text by default.
– Body – Enter body text for the email. This field contains example text by default.
– Test – Click this button to send a test email from your selected sending address to your selected receiving address.
Adding & Editing
Creating a New Batch Profile
Step 1: From the Batch Profiles panel in the Admin tab, click the Add button.
Step 2: Configure the new batch profile in the configuration panel.
> Name – The display name for the batch profile.
> Description – This text will be shown to the end users when they add a new batch.
> Batch index fields – Standard batch level index fields include batch name, confirmation code, date created, created user, created location, total documents, total pages, max allowable documents, default doc type, and max allowable pages. Clicking the Add button will open the New batch index field panel where you can create new index fields. Existing batch level fields can be modified by clicking the Edit button.
Using the Default doc type index field, system administrators can specify the default doc type for drag-and-drop functions from the file system, and unclassified doc functions from the file import context menu.
Note: The batch index field in the list of default fields, called Display thumbnail and index side-by-side, is a true/false field and controls what elements the screen displays during the capture process.
– If set to False – The screen will show two panels: the display panel and the capture panel (with the option to toggle to the indexing panel).
– If set to True – The screen will show all three of the panels side-by-side.
You can find more information on this feature in the ILINX Capture End User Guide.
> Doc types in [YourBatchName] – A document type is simply a field that allows you to store a specific type of document such as an invoice or HR form and retrieve it by its logical name from the system. Clicking the Add button will open the New doc type panel where you can create and edit document types.
– Doc index fields – After entering a doc type, you can add index fields for that doc type. From the New doc type panel, click on the Add button on the bottom of the screen to create document level index fields.
» Text – Character string with variable length; can be up to 4000 characters; use the Max lines option to determine the height of the text box and how many lines of text display when viewing the document’s indexes.
» Integer – Numeric value with maximum length of 10 digits (minimum value of -2,147,483,648 to a maximum value of 2,147,483,647).
» Decimal – Numeric value with maximum length of 15 characters, including decimal places.
» Date – Date string.
» Checkbox – True/false logical operator, displayed as a checkbox.
» Picklist – Character string of pre-defined index field values; each value can be up to 251 characters. (Refer to Configure a Picklist for more information)
» Table – A table with a determinable number of fields; you can assign column names, data types (choose from text, integer, decimal, date, or checkbox), and a default value.
Note: You must have at least one or more doc level index fields for each doc type. Also, a batch profile can contain multiple doc types. This allows different types of content with different index values to be captured within the same batch profile.
> Workflow for [YourBatchName] – Clicking the Configure button opens the Workflow Designer screen.
> Email notification for system Errors queue – Clicking the Configure button opens the tab for setting up an automated email notification to be sent when a batch encounters an error in its workflow. This is the same tab that opens when you select the right-click option from the batch profiles main panel.
> Client-side processing for [YourBatchName] – This function lets you add, edit or delete separation or data extraction actions.
– Separation actions – This function lets you automatically separate loose pages into docs using patch or barcode separator pages.
– Data extraction actions – This function lets you configure data extraction from bar codes on a page.
> Assigned work tab – Determine what index fields the user can see.
– Show batch index fields – This function lets you select what batch level index fields are shown to the user.
Step 3: Click Save.
Note: Because ILINX Capture uses data caching to optimize performance, you may need to log out and back in before your configurations take effect.
In order to function, a batch profile needs the following configuration options at the minimum:
> A name.
> A doc type with at least one index field.
> A workflow (discussed in detail later in this guide); the workflow can be as simple as one HumanActivity IXM attached to the start node.
New Batch Index Field
Clicking the Add button under the Batch index fields section when configuring a batch profile will allow you to create new batch level index fields. You can configure the following index field properties:
> Name – The name for the batch level index field as it will be displayed to users.
> Data type – Select the desired data type for the field. Options include text, integer, decimal, date, picklist, table, and checklist.
> Max length – Depending on the data type, you can set the maximum length of the field.
> Decimal places – Depending on the data type, you can set the number of decimal places for the field (for example, entering “2” will make the field display in this form: “.00”).
> Default value – A default value can be set for the field; this value will automatically be applied for every batch created.
> Prompt on capture – If this field is set, the user will be prompted to enter a value every time a batch is created. This feature is useful if you want to force the user to enter a value before capturing any documents. The entered value may then be used to drive a workflow process on the server, such as routing all batches from the east coast to manager X and all west coast batches to manager Y.
Adding Document Types
Clicking the Add button under the Doc types in [YourBatchName] section when configuring a batch profile will allow you to create new doc types for the batch profile. Once you have named the doc type, you can assign index fields to it. Index fields can be one of the following types:
> Text – Character string with variable length; can be up to 8000 characters; use the Max lines option to determine the height of the text box and how many lines of text display when viewing the document’s indexes.
> Integer – Numeric value with maximum length of 10 digits (minimum value of -2,147,483,648 to a maximum value of 2,147,483,647).
> Decimal – Numeric value with maximum length of 15 characters, including decimal places.
> Date – Date string.
> Checkbox – True/false logical operator, displayed as a checkbox.
> Picklist – Character string of pre-defined index field values; each value can be up to 251 characters. (Refer to Configure a Picklist for more information)
> Table – You can use this to define your own table with a Column name, Data type for that column, a Max length, Decimal places, and a Default value.
Each type of index field has properties associated with it. Depending on the type, the field will have one or more of the following properties:
> Name – The name for the document level index field as it will be displayed to users.
> Data type – Select the desired data type for the field. Options include text, integer, decimal, date, checkbox, picklist, and table.
> Max length – Depending on the data type, you can set the maximum length of the field.
> Decimal places – Depending on the data type, you can set the number of decimal places for the field (for example, entering “2” will make the field display in this form: “.00”).
> Validation on lost focus using regular expressions – Regular expressions can be used to enforce formatting on index fields. With this option configured, a user will only be allowed to enter data that meets the requirements of the configured regular expression.
> Validation sample text – The value entered here will be shown to the user as an example of the format required (e.g. MM/DD/YYYY). Regular text or hyperlink text can be displayed next to an index field. If using non-regular text, use the proper WPF syntax rules for text (see sample hyperlink syntax below).
> Default value – A default value can be set for the field; this value will automatically be applied to every document.
Note: It is generally best to only add the minimum number of index fields required to release to the assigned backend database and to easily search for and find a document. Keep in mind that the more index fields you have, the longer input times will be during indexing.
Once you have configured the index fields, click on the OK button.
From the screen you are now in, you can configure scanner settings for the document type, as described in the section Configuring Scanner Settings.
Note: If you prefer to set scanner settings for a doc type later, you can do this by selecting a doc type, clicking on the Edit button, and then clicking on the Set scanner settings button.
Link to Content Store Application
You also have the option to link your new document type to an existing application in ILINX Content Store. If you select the option to Link to Content Store application, your document type will be stored in ILINX Content Store instead of in the ILINX Capture document storage area. Your document type would then have all the index fields of the existing application, but you can add other index fields for your workflow purposes. These will not be stored in ILINX Content Store, however, but will cease to accompany the document beyond the completion of the workflow. To add additional index fields to your application in ILINX Content Store, you must first unlink the connection, make the modifications, and then re-link the connection.
Note: You must be logged in as the built-in Administrator when configuring the Link to Content Store feature as AD user credentials are not saved within ILINX.
To link your document type to ILINX Content Store:
Step 1: Click Link to Content Store application. Select your desired application from the list and click OK.
Step 2: The next screen shows the application name you’ve chosen (which is read-only) and the list of index fields that will be used with this document type. You cannot delete these fields, but you can add your own in addition. The column Is Capture Index Field will tell whether you created the field in ILINX Capture or in ILINX Content Store.
Step 3: Click OK to save your changes. You will now see your document type with the name of the ILINX Content Store application you chose, and the column Is linked to Content Store application will say Yes.
Important Note: When adding annotations to documents managed through ILINX Capture, but stored in ILINX Content Store, these annotations will not be visible when the document is viewed in ILINX Capture. Conversely, annotations added within ILINX Capture will be read-only when the document is viewed in the ILINX Content Store interface throughout the duration of the workflow.
From the screen you are now in, you can configure scanner settings for the document type, as described in the following section.
Note: If you prefer to set scanner settings for a doc type later, you can do this by selecting a doc type, clicking on the Edit button, and then clicking on the Set scanner settings button.
Configuring Database Lookup to Populate Index Fields
Once you have created your index fields, you can configure a database lookup to be used with your text field(s). To configure the database lookup:
Step 1: Select the text field for which you wish to configure the lookup. Click the Edit button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2: Check the Lookup when typing this field checkbox, then click the Configure button next to it.
Step 3: Here you will see the Database Connection screen. Enter your Database type, Server name, and credentials, then press Test connection to populate the Database name.
Step 4: Once you have configured these settings to your satisfaction, click Next. The following page is the Lookup Configurations page.
Step 5: Here you have a number of options:
> Data source type – Choose from three options for your data source:
– Tables – Selecting this option will populate the adjacent drop-down menu with your available database tables to choose from.
– Views – Selecting this option will populate the adjacent drop-down menu with your available SQL views, which you can choose to extract data from.
– Stored procedures – If you select this option, the adjacent drop-down menu will populate with your available stored procedures. Details – Clicking this button will open a menu detailing the column names and types in your selected database table or view. This is helpful when writing your query, since you can use this to copy and paste your column names into your query very easily.
> Lookup options – Choose the timing for the lookup to occur:
– Minimum number of characters entered before lookup occurs – Here you can specify how many characters a user must type into the box before the query is executed.
– Lookup when tab out – When the user exits the field, the query will execute.
> SQL command example – Generates a sample SQL command based on your index field names.
> SQL command – Here you can specify a query to execute depending on the timing criteria you specified above.
Database Lookup Example:
Consider a database table of customers. The user entering a new customer would input the new customer’s name, then a drop-down list would populate with the states wherein the company operates. Based on the selection of the state, the next picklist would populate with the cities listed in the database.
This scenario requires two picklists and a SQL query for each. Create a picklist called City and one called State. Save them both. Then, to edit each one, select it and click the Edit button. When configuring the picklists, select the Use datasource values radio button, then click the Configure Picklist button to configure the data source. Fill in the required fields as outlined previously in this section, then click Next.
In the SQL command box of your State picklist, enter the following query with your custom values:
SELECT DISTINCT [StateDBColumnName] AS [State]
FROM [Schema].[TableName]
This will populate the picklist with all the unique states listed in your database. For the next picklist, the City picklist, configure the database the same way as you did above. In the SQL command box, enter the following query, replacing the placeholders with your database column and table names:
FROM [dbo].[Invoices]
WHERE [State] LIKE ‘%<<State>>%’
This creates a relationship between your State picklist and your City picklist. When the user selects a state, the City picklist will populate with available cities.
Once you are finished configuring your database lookup, press Save.
Exporting & Importing
You can migrate an existing batch profile’s configurations between systems using the Export and Import buttons on the batch profile main panel.
To export configurations, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Select the batch profile and click Export.
Step 2: Enter the location where you want to save the configurations or select it using the browse button.
Step 3: Click OK.
To import configurations, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Open the Batch Profiles main panel and click Import.
Step 2: Enter the location of the saved configurations or select it using the browse button. Click Next.
Import user groups and permissions – Checking this box includes any user groups and group permissions associated with the batch profile.
Note: This feature does not copy any user profiles within in the user groups.
Step 3: Choose which of the following options you want to apply:
> Replace batch profile only – Checking this option overwrites the original batch profile but leaves any in process batches to complete using the original batch profile.
> Replace batch profile and delete in process batches – Checking this option overwrites the original batch profile and deletes any in process batches.
> Replace batch profile and upgrade workflow for in process batches – Checking this option overwrites the original batch profile and updates any in process batches with the new updates.
> Create a new batch profile – Checking this option requires entry of a new name in the field so it does not overwrite the original.
Step 4: Click OK.
If you are upgrading to a new version of ILINX Capture custom IXM extensions will automatically recompile so long as they are built within the Capture Extension Editor. Extensions that are built as DLLs and uploaded must be re-built externally and reloaded into Capture.
The list below accounts for types of extensions that should be automatically recompile:
> ServerExtension IXM
> Workflow Threshold
> Client-side scripts
Configuring Scanner Settings
You can set scanner settings for a batch profile either at the batch level or individually for each doc type.
Note: You can display scanned images during a scan. To control this feature, add the key showScannedImagesWhileScanning=false or showScannedImagesWhileScanning=true to the web.Config file.
Note: If the scanner does not support a setting configured here, the scan dialogue will be presented to the scan operator so they can scan. An error will be logged at, “your install drive” \Programdata\ImageSource\Internet Information Services\logs, indicating which preconfigured scanner setting was not supported on the scanner.
Step 1: To set batch-level scanner settings, click the Scanner settings for [YourBatchName] button when editing the batch profile.
Alternatively, to set doc type-level scanner settings, begin editing the desired doc type and click the Set scanner settings button.
Step 2: After you have selected which level of scanner settings you want to configure, you will see the following set of options.
Note: If you are configuring batch-level settings, you will see the Override all doc scanner settings checkbox. The batch-level scanner settings are initially applicable ONLY to the Unclassified doc capture option if the override box is NOT checked. If the override box is checked, then the batch-level scanner settings will apply to docs also.
> Scan mode – Choose between ADF and flatbed scan modes.
> Paper size – Select the paper size of your documents for scanning.
> Resolution – Choose what resolution documents should be scanned in, calculated in dots per inch.
> Color mode – Determine whether documents should be scanned in full color, grayscale, or black and white.
> Orientation – Choose between portrait and landscape orientations.
> Duplex – Select this checkbox if you want to scan both sides of your documents at once and if your scanner supports this feature.
> File format – Determine what file format your scanned documents should be saved as.
– TIFF – Group 4 compression – Save scans as TIFF files using Group 4 compression method.
– PDF – Searchable – Save scans as PDF files with searchable text.
– PDF – Image only – Save scans as PDF files that are images without searchable text.
– PDF/A – Save scans as PDF/A files for long-term archiving.
Note: Configuring the Color Mode and File format settings is required. The other settings are optional.
Step 3: Click on the OK button.
Step 4: Click OK on the doc type properties panel and click Save on the batch profile configuration panel. You will then be returned to the main Batch Profiles screen.
Note: Once scanner settings have been set, an administrator can easily clear the scanning settings by selecting a doc type, clicking on the Edit button and then clicking on the Clear scanner settings button.
For the capture process, you can set Capture to invoke the VRS to indicate it wants VRS to stay in the memory. This will lock the driver/scanner to the capture process, allowing for faster scanning. This feature can be turned on or off by setting the key KeepScanningSessionInMemory to True or False in the following application files: ILINXCapture.exe.config.deploy
Client-side Processing
There are two sections when you select Client-side processing for a specific batch profile; Barcode & Extension. The first panel of options allows you to use barcodes within a document to make separations or to extract data from the document. These processes can also be automated in the batch profile’s workflow.
Within the Barcode section, you can configure both Separation actions as well as Data extraction actions.
Separation Action
The Barcode Separation action allows users to capture a stack of images using Unclassified doc and submit the batch. The configured action will separate each document based on the barcode identified. The Add separation action window will open when clicking the Add button in the upper panel of the screen. This screen has a number of settings which will best used for separation.
> Barcode type – The library includes 14 of the most common Barcode types. These include 1D barcodes such as CODE39, EAN, UPC, CODE128, as well as 2D barcodes QRCODE, PDF417, & DataMatrix. Other commonly used separation pages are Patch T type cover sheets. Click to download ILINX Capture Patch T Coversheets.
> Position in doc – Refers to which barcode found in the doc should be used. The position number begins with 1. For example if the barcode is the 3rd barcode in the document, you would enter 3 in the field. This option reads barcodes Right to Left and Top to Bottom.
> Search operator – This dropdown option works in conjunction with the Search value field. These options include:
– Starts with – Select this option to identify the beginning of the barcode with specific characters.
– Ends with – Select this option to identify the end of the barcode with specific characters.
– Contains – Select this option to identify characters at any part of the barcode.
> Search value – Use in conjunction with the Search operator to identify the values specific to the barcode.
> New doc type – Choose the Doc Type to separate each document into from the dropdown list.
> Remove separator page – Enable this option will delete the separator page containing the barcode. Commonly used with Patch T separator sheets.
> Process loose pages – Enabling this option will create documents from loose pages. Enabled by default.
> Process doc pages – Enable this option to process barcodes already created into a document.
Data extraction actions
> Barcode type – The library includes 13 of the most common Barcode types. These include 1D barcodes such as CODE39, EAN, UPC, CODE128, as well as 2D barcodes QRCODE, PDF417, & DataMatrix.
> Position in doc -Refers to which barcode found in the doc should be used. The position number begins with 1. For example if the barcode is the 3rd barcode in the document, you would enter 3 in the field.
> Search operator – This dropdown option works in conjunction with the Search value field. These options include:
– Starts with – Select this option to identify the beginning of the barcode with specific characters.
– Ends with – Select this option to identify the end of the barcode with specific characters.
– Contains – Select this option to identify characters at any part of the barcode.
> Search value – Use in conjunction with the Search operator to identify the values specific to the barcode.
> Separator char – Some barcodes do not allow blank spaces to separate words. Instead the use special characters such as * _ -. To remove these special characters and replace them with a blank space in the index field designated, enter the character here.
> Remove prefix value – Some barcodes include special characters at the beginning of the barcode. Enter to character value to not be included in the Index field results.
> Remove suffix value – Some barcodes include special characters at the end of the barcode. Enter to character value to not be included in the Index field results.
> Copy to doc index field – Enable this option to select a Doc Type configured index fields. Not selecting this option will all you to select Batch level index fields. Enabling this option works in conjunction with the Doc type dropdown.
– Doc type – When the Copy to doc index field is enabled, the list of configured Doc Types will be listed in the dropdown.
> Copy result to index fields – Either Doc type Index field or Batch level Index fields will be listed in the dropdown depending on the previous settings.
Note: For more thorough instruction on using this feature, see the ILINX Capture Technical Guide.
By right-clicking on an existing batch profile, you can access its client-side processing options. The first panel of options allows you to use barcodes within a document to make separations or to extract data from the document. These processes can also be automated in the batch profile’s workflow.
The second panel of options allows you to code custom extensions that can accommodate your specific needs.
To configure an extension, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Write your extension in the Extension You can use either Visual Basic .NET (VB) or C# language. You can also upload a previously written extension that has been saved to an accessible hard drive.
Step 2: When you are satisfied with the extension, click Validate extension. The Error list field will display whether or not the extension is successful and list any errors it encountered.
Step 3: Click Save, when you have finished configuring the extension.
Users and Groups
Users and groups can either be Built-in or they can be added from Microsoft Active Directory.
In order for security to be integrated with MS Active Directory, it must be assigned during the installation of ILINX Capture. If you are trying to retrofit AD after an initial installation, contact ImageSource, Inc. Support. MS Active Directory distribution groups are not supported.
MS Active Directory users may only be added to MS Active Directory groups (manipulating AD users and groups must be done by your network IT; ILINX uses AD and does not modify AD). Built-in users may only be added to built-in groups.
Note: A user must belong to at least one group.
The Administrator account is always a built-in account and is created during installation. This user cannot be deleted. This user has permission to the entire system, whether explicitly assigned or not.
Creating Built-in
Built-in Users
Step 1: In the navigation panel, select the Users and Groups button.
Step 2: In the Users portion of the details panel, click on the Add built-in user button.
Step 3: Select the built-in security type radio button.
Note: This option will not display if Active Directory is not enabled.
Step 4: Click on the OK button.
Step 5: In the New User form, enter:
> User name – the account name the user will use to login to the system; this is not case-sensitive.
> Full name – enter the user’s full name; this is not required.
> Password – enter initial password; the password cannot be blank and is case-sensitive.
> Email address – enter user’s email address; this is required.
Step 6: If adding this user to a group, continue with this step.
Note: If not adding this user to a group at this time, move to Step 8.
> Click on the Add button.
> All groups that exist in the system will be displayed. Click on the checkbox for each group that this user should join.
> Click on the OK button.
Step 7: Click on the Save button to finish adding this user account to the system, or Cancel.
Note: If the account name entered already exists in the system, an error message will display. Click OK, and re-enter new user information.
Step 8: The user list window is displayed.
Built-in Groups
Step 1: In the navigation panel, select the Users and Groups.
Step 2: In the User Groups portion of the details panel, click on the Add button.
Step 3: Select the built-in security type radio button.
Step 4: Click on the OK button.
Step 5: In the New User Group form, enter the desired group name.
Step 6: Click on the Add button to get the list of users.
Note: If you are not ready to add users to this group, move to Step 9.
Step 7: Check the box of each user to be added to this group. If the user list is long, use the Name contains search field to find specific names. Note that the Name column is sortable.
Step 8: Click on the OK button.
Step 9: Click on the Save button.
Step 10: All current groups will be displayed.
Adding Active Directory
Note: Microsoft Active Directory users are not manually added into the ILINX system. Instead, all AD users can log into ILINX but proper group security assignments must be in place in order for a user to access ILINX content and functionality.
Step 1: In the navigation panel, select the Users and Groups.
Step 2: In the User Groups portion of the details pane, click on the Add button.
Step 3: Select the Active Directory security type radio button.
Step 4: Click on the OK button.
Step 5: In the Name starts with field, enter the beginning letter(s) of the Active Directory name.
Step 6: Click on the Search button.
Step 7: From the returned names, select the checkbox of each group to be added to the system.
Step 8: Click on the OK button.
Step 9: All current groups will be displayed.
Managing Users & Groups
Once the initial users and groups are added to the system, minor tweaking may need to take place over time.
To make modifications, open the Users and Groups panel, select the user or group you wish to modify, and click the Edit button. You can change what groups a user belongs to by editing that specific user, and you can change the membership of a group by editing that specific group. You can also change a user’s password by selecting that user and clicking on the Change password button.
Note: Active Directory groups can be removed, but the Users within the groups cannot be modified. If you would like to modify the membership of those groups, that must be done within Active Directory Services.
User Level Security
By design, permissions can only be assigned at the group level; however, it may be necessary to assign specific permissions to individuals within a group. In these instances, there is a viable way to grant user level security access.
In order to accomplish this, our recommendation is to create an AD OU and assign Administrator rights to a business manager, letting that individual add/remove users from that OU. This would allow IT and the Business Manager with Administrator rights to maintain individual users’ permissions and security access when working with the ILINX Capture product.
ILINX permissions are assigned at the group level. These groups can be either Built-in or Active Directory groups. The Administrator will assign a group to a specific batch profile. Once assigned, a set of permissions will be available in the details panel for that group. By default, all batch profiles are void of any user group affiliation.
Important Note: Applying permissions to administrator user groups will prevent any new batches created with the profile to have Administrator privileges within the batch profile, despite being an Administrator. To avoid this issue, do not apply permissions to Administrator accounts.
In some cases, it is necessary to Administer permissions on an individual basis. Currently, by design, permissions can only be assigned at the group level. To assign individual permissions to users, our recommendation is to create an Active Directory Organizational Unit (AD OU) and assign admin rights to a business manager and let that resource add/remove users from that OU. This allows IT and business admins to maintain security and still work with the product.
Assigning Permissions
Step 1: In the navigation panel, select Permissions.
Step 2: Select the batch profile that you would like to assign a user group to. This can be done from the Select a batch profile to edit permissions drop down menu in the center panel.
Step 3: Click the Add button.
Step 4: Select the checkboxes of each group to be added to the application in the Search Results Use the Name contains search function to narrow the list.
Note: Administrator-level groups do not appear in this list because they are already assigned full access to every batch profile.
Step 5: Click OK.
Step 6: Select a user group from the list chosen in Step 4.
Step 7: Assign permissions to the group by clicking the checkboxes in the list of available permissions in the right-hand panel.
Step 8: When you have completed assigning permissions to the group, click Save.
If multiple groups are added that require the same or similar permission, you can copy the security group permissions by:
Step 1: Highlighting a User Group and right clicking.
Step 2: Select ‘Copy’ or use the hot keys ‘Ctrl + C’.
Step 3: Click to highlight the User Group that is going to have the same permissions and right click.
Step 4: Select ‘Paste’ or use the hot keys ‘Ctrl + V’.
All the permissions that were configured in the first User Group will now be copied into the second user group. You can use the Paste operations multiple times within the same interface. Modifying any of the groups will not affect the others.
Batch Permissions
Available batch permissions include:
> Can modify batch profile – Authorizes this group to modify the batch profile.
Note: Assigning a user group the Can modify batch profile permission will give the members of that group a limited version of the Admin tab. In this tab the users can edit the selected batch profile’s batch level indexes and doc level indexes, as well as modify group permissions assigned to that batch profile.
> Can see report– Authorizes this group to see any index field that has a designation of Restricted.
> Can see capture – Enables this entire group of settings.
– Can see in Capture – Gives the users in this group access to the Capture tab.
– Can see in Capture Email Import – All batch profiles are hidden by default. Checking this box allows the members of the group to see this batch in the ILINX Capture Email Import.
– Can see in Capture Mobile – Allows user to access the batch profile using the ILINX Capture Mobile App.
– Can capture new doc – Allows the group to capture new documents.
– Can capture single page doc – Allows the group to capture a document with a single page.
– Can capture loose pages – Authorizes the group to onboard images or files without assigning them to a Document type. These are sometimes referred to as unclassified files or “loose pages.”
Note: Without an assigned Document type, index information cannot be associated with this type of content.
– Can capture from camera – Authorizes the group to use the computer’s built-in camera to capture images.
– Can capture from file import – Authorizes the group to capture electronic content by importing versus scanning.
– Can see scanner dialog – Authorizes the group to access the selected scanner’s configuration interface to make adjustments prior to capturing images from the device.
– Can index – Allows the group to provide document index values during the capture process. Unchecking this option will allow the group to see the available index fields, but the fields will be disabled.
– Can apply annotation – Allows the group to place annotations on documents in this batch.
Important Note: When adding annotations to documents managed through ILINX Capture, but stored in ILINX Content Store, these annotations will not be visible when the document is viewed in ILINX Capture. Conversely, annotations added within ILINX Capture will be read-only when the document is viewed in the ILINX Content Store interface and cannot be modified.
– eForms – Gives the user group permission to capture documents and use the selected eForm to be completed at capture time.
> Can see assigned work – Gives the user group the option of an Assigned Work queue, where documents assigned to them will be shown.
– Can see processing items – Shows the group the queue for documents of this batch profile being processed.
– Can see error items – Shows the group the queue for documents of this batch profile that have errors.
» Can modify index values – Authorizes the group to change values of batch index fields.
» Can modify doc – Authorizes the group to add/remove pages and modify index fields for documents within this batch profile.
» Can delete – Allows the group to delete documents.
– Can view completed items – Shows the group the queue where completed documents are stored.
» Can restart completed items – Allows the group to send documents of this batch profile back through the workflow.
Batch Index Permissions
Available batch index permissions include:
> Hidden – Hides this field from the users in the group.
> Read-Only – Allows the users in the group to see the field, but they cannot modify it.
> Required – Requires the users in this group to enter input in this field before proceeding.
Doc Type Permissions
Available doc type permissions include:
> Hidden – Hides this field from the users in the group.
> Read-Only – Allows the users in the group to see the field, but they cannot modify it.
> Required – Requires the users in this group to enter input in this field before proceeding.
> Is pinned – Values entered in this field will automatically populate the index fields of each document in a batch.
Note: The Is pinned option does not apply to table type index fields.
The view capability provides the user with ultimate content “findability” and flexibility. You can use these views to segregate and secure access to documents within a single batch profile based on any index fields, whether internal or joined as a part of an external data source binding. Using SQL queries, you can customize the user’s experience with the data received from the database.
Note: You should be familiar with SQL queries if you wish to use this feature. Otherwise, the integrity of the database(s) you are working with could be compromised by ill-formed queries.
Creating a View
Before you create a view, you must have a batch profile with a workflow. You must also have in-process or completed batches in your workflow. To create a new view in ILINX Capture:
Step 1: Open your instance of ILINX Capture and click the Admin tab. Click Views, and click Add.
Step 2: Give the view a name. Once you choose a name for your view and save it, you cannot change the view’s name.
Step 3: Optionally, you may enter a Description to help clarify to users of the purpose to the View.
Step 4: If the View is to be associated with a View for users to utilize during processing, select the checkbox next to Associated Batch Profile has eForms enabled.
Step 5: Choose the batch profile for which you wish to create an example query in the Select Batch profile for example query drop-down menu. To see a list of batch profile fields for the selected batch profile, click Details to the right of the drop-down.
Note: This page generates a default query when you select the batch profile from the drop-down menu. The default query is a search that returns all the created batches associated with that batch profile, along with their location in the workflow.
Step 6: Enter your query in the Query text box. Click Test to test it. For information on writing queries, see Writing a Query section.
Note: You should always test your query before saving it. Otherwise, the ill-formed query may compromise your database.
Step 7: Once you are satisfied with the query, click Save. To put the changes into effect, log out of ILINX Capture and log back in.
Writing a Query
In order to use the query functionality of the views, it is highly recommended that you be well-versed in structured query language (SQL). The queries within the views are made up of the three traditional query elements: SELECT, FROM, and WHERE. You may also use the JOIN, UNION, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY operators.
Note: While you are able to use JOIN and UNION to aggregate data across multiple batch profiles, this ability is not a supported feature of ILINX Capture.
> SELECT: This clause lists the built-in ILINX batch field names available for the selected batch profile. These can be added or subtracted from the clause, depending on which index fields you wish to use. The exceptions to this rule are the built-in ActiveBatchID and BatchProfileID fields. These fields are required for every query and cannot be aliased.
Note: If you want to access a user-defined field value in the SELECT statement, you must use the xpath syntax listed in the Details panel. An example syntax is as follows:
a.b.value(‘./IndexValue[3]/Value[1]’,’nvarchar(100)’) AS ‘Index Field Name’
> FROM: This clause specifies the table from which the data will be taken. You may access whatever table you wish. Examples include: CaptureActiveBatches, CaptureActiveDocuments, and CaptureActiveFiles.
> WHERE: This clause allows you to filter the batches retrieved by the view. A number of default parameters are given in the example query. You can customize these to show batches that are active/inactive, processing, suspended, or locked, for example.
– SearchOperator: The value of this field determines the default search operator that appears in the Operator drop-down menu. The options for this field are as follows: Equal, Contains, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, StartsWith, and EndsWith. Any other values will result in an error.
– FieldType: This field should only be modified if you are using a database from a different server. The value of this field sets the correct user interface options for that data type. Options are: _string, _int, _bigint, _decimal, _bool, _picklist.
– Readonly: Set this to true to prevent further changes. Any value other than true or false will result in an error.
– Required: Set this to true to prevent the user from submitting the search until this area has been given a value. Any value other than true or false will result in an error.
– Hidden: Set this to true to hide the field and its value from the user. Any value other than true or false will result in an error.
– DefaultValue: This can be left empty if you do not wish to set a default value for the field.
– TablePrefix: This field is set to the name of the table containing the index fields for your application in this format: [AppName_IDX]. Do not change this field unless you are using a JOIN operator.
– AND: This operator appears at the end of every line in the auto-generated query. You can use OR instead of AND if you wish.
Note: WHERE clauses can also use smart fields. See Smart Fields section below for more information.
Note: If you want to access a user-defined field value in the WHERE statement, you must use the xpath syntax listed in the Details panel. An example syntax is as follows:
a.b.value(‘./IndexValue[3]/Value[1]’,’nvarchar(100)’) = ‘Some Value’
> JOIN/UNION: You can use these optional operators to join your batch profile’s database table with another batch profile’s database table, or with a table that resides outside the ILINX database but within your local server instance. See Example 2 below for more information.
> ORDER BY/GROUP BY: You can use these optional clauses to organize the documents returned by your query.
Note: Once a View is defined and functional, making any modifications to the batch by adding a new batch field and moving the order of the fields may cause the defined View to display incorrectly. Be sure to test and inspect all Views if modifications are made to the order Batch Index fields.
Smart Fields
A Smart Field is a dynamic field within the query that is populated at execution time. These can be used for personalizing queries to the currently logged-in user. For example, you could create a view called “My locked contracts” for a single batch profile and give permissions to a group of users. When each user runs it, the query will be run against the same batch profile, but the user will only see apps he or she has locked.
Smart fields are denoted by brackets like so: “[Current User Name]”
> [Current User Name]: The smart field within the default WHERE clause appears as the DefaultValue for the [Current User Name] field:
{“FieldName”:”CreatedByUserName”, “SearchOperator”:”Equal”, “FieldType”:”_string”, “Hidden”:true, “Readonly”:true, “Required”:false, “DefaultValue”:”[Current User Name]”}
The [Current User Name] smart field can be used in a view to join ILINX Capture workflow information with tables/columns in an external database to restrict or enrich the information displayed in a workflow view. To leverage the [Current User Name] smart field you must use the standard ILINX Capture view parameter structure as shown below:
WHERE… AND {“FieldName”:”MY_CUSTOM_FIELD”,”TablePrefix”:”[MY_CUSTOM_TABLE]”, “SearchOperator”:”Equal”, “FieldType”:”_string”, “Hidden”:true, “Readonly”:true, “Required”:false, “DefaultValue”:”[Current User Name]”})
View Example
Suppose you want to create two different views, one for the users on the West coast, and one for the users on the East coast. The batch profile will have an index field called “Region,” containing either “Western” or “Eastern.” Only the batches from the corresponding region will be shown to the user in the view.
Step 1: Create a batch profile with a document type. Add a batch field called “Region.” Save the batch.
Step 2: Create a workflow for the new batch. A GetBatchInfo and a HumanActivity will suffice for example purposes. Log out of ILINX Capture and back in to save your changes.
Step 3: Switch to the Capture tab and submit a document into your workflow.
Step 4: Under the Views tab, add a new view named “Western Region.” Input the following query (the parts where it varies from the example query are bolded):
DECLARE @profileName NVARCHAR(100)
SET @profileName = ‘Inquiry Test’
SET @profileId = (SELECT TOP 1 Ident FROM CaptureProfiles WHERE ProfileName = @profileName)
SELECT ActiveBatchID, @profileId AS BatchProfileID, BatchName AS ‘Batch name’, @profileName AS ‘Profile name’, DateCreated AS ‘Date created’, CreatedByUserName AS ‘Created by’, ScanLocation AS ‘Created location’, TotalDocs AS ‘Total docs’, TotalPages AS ‘Total pages’, LastWorkflowActivityName AS ‘Work queue’, a.b.value(‘./IndexValue[12]/Value[1]’, ‘nvarchar(100)’) AS ‘Region’
FROM CaptureActiveBatches cab
CROSS APPLY cab.BatchXml.nodes(‘./BatchXmlObject/IndexValues’) AS a(b)
WHERE cab.CaptureProfileID = @profileId AND [HasError] = 0 AND [InUseByUser] Is NULL AND [IsInactive] = 0 AND [IsProcessing] = 0 AND [IsSuspended] = 0 AND [IsManualLocked] = 0 AND a.b.value(‘./IndexValue[12]/Value[1]’, ‘nvarchar(100)’)= ‘Western’
Step 5: Save that view and create another view called “Eastern Region.” Input the same query as above, changing ‘Western’ in the WHERE clause to ‘Eastern.’ Save the view.
Step 6: Log in and out of ILINX Capture to save the changes to your views.
Step 7: Create two test users and two test groups, one user and one group for each region. Add the Eastern user to the Eastern group, and do the same with the Western.
Step 8: Go to the View Permissions Select the “Western Region” view and click Add. Select the checkbox next to the “Western Region” user group and click OK.
Step 9: Click the Can access checkbox in the right-hand panel. Click Save. Repeat this process for the Eastern Region view and user group.
Step 10: Test the views. Capture two batches, one with a region of “Western” and one with a region of “Eastern.” Submit them. Log out and back in as your first user from the Western region. You should see the view with only the Western region batch profile.
Step 11: Test the Eastern region user. You should see only the Eastern region batch in the view upon logging in.
View Permissions
The View Permissions tab allows you to determine which user groups have access to certain views. For a single batch profile, you can, for example, have two user groups and assign a view to each, and each user group will see a completely different set of data in their respective view.
To set the permissions for a view:
Step 1: From the Admin tab, click View Permissions. Select your desired view from the drop-down menu and click Add.
Step 2: Click the check boxes next to the user group(s) for which you want to assign permissions, then click OK.
Step 3: On the right side of the page, you can choose:
> Select Can access to allow the users in this group to use the view.
> Select Auto open first item after searching if you want the first item returned by the search to load into the view automatically.
> Select Auto prompt before searching so the users will be prompted by a specific index field prior to searching.
Step 4: Once you are satisfied with your selections, click Save.
About Screen
General information is available on the About window. This includes the following.
> The version of ILINX installed.
> A link to the ILINX Homepage.
> A link to the ILINX User Community Forums.
> A link to ImageSource Technical Support; clicking here will open a support ticket with ImageSource.
The Report tab
The Report tab allows the Administrator and any users that have the appropriate permissions to see all of the batch activity within a specified batch profile.
The tab lists reports for every batch profile that has a configured workflow. You can filter what reports are displayed with the following on-screen options.
> Batch profile – Choose which batch profile’s report you want to see from this drop-down list.
> Date created – Select an operator from the drop-down list, and then choose a date by typing in the date field or clicking on the calendar icon.
> Items in queue longer than – Filter the reported batches by number of hours or days spent waiting to complete their workflows. You can also Print, Email, and Download a batch profile’s report from this screen.
> User productivity – Choose a user profile from this drop-down list to view that user’s submission activity for the selected batch profile.
> Concurrent users – From this panel, you can see how many users have been concurrently logged into the system based on what group they belong to. You can select a date range for the concurrent user data you want to view, and you can add new reporting groups by clicking the Add button. The dates are shown along the x-axis, while the number of concurrent users is shown on the y-axis.
From the Add reporting group dialog, you can give your new group a name and add existing users (or delete them) using the Add and Remove buttons. When you have finished configuring your new group, click Save.
Your new group should now show up in the Reporting group drop-down menu. If it does not, click the refresh button.
Batch Status
This graph describes all of the activity within the batch profile. The graph displays the total number of batches created, how many batches are currently being processed by the ILINX Capture server, how many batches have faulted and are waiting in the error queue, and how many batches have completed their workflow processes and been released from ILINX Capture.
Batches in Progress
This graph more specifically describes the batches that are currently in the process of their workflows. The graph displays the total number of batches in progress as well as which step in in their workflows the batches have currently reached.
Assigned Work Tab
This tab displays detailed readouts of the completed and ongoing batch activity within your batch profiles. The tab provides a set of parameters for filtering the batches it returns including a detailed Advanced Search option.
In the left-hand panel, you can select which batch profile you wish to display from the Batch profile drop-down list. You can also choose to display all the batches that are currently in their workflow processes, all batches that have encountered errors, or all batches that are currently in use.
Note: These final three options return batches across all batch profiles.
Additionally, with the Work queue drop-down list, you can filter the results according to workflow activity. For example, you can select HumanActivity to display all batches that currently require the completion of a HumanActivity IXM in their workflows.
Finally, you can use the Sort by drop-down list to change the order in which the left-hand panel displays resulting batches. The center and right-hand panels will display the capture panel and the document display window as they are in the Capture tab.
Errors and Checkpoint System
If a batch profile encounters an error during the capture and workflow process, it is possible to restart the workflow from the last checkpoint. A checkpoint prevents a workflow from needing to completely restart its process. This feature provides you with the name of the last successfully completed IXM in the Last checkpoint, and allows you to right click and Restart from last checkpoint.
If you need to further filter the resulting batches, you can use the Advanced Search option. Click the binoculars icon near the top of the left-hand panel to open the search parameters window.
Set your desired search parameters, and then click Search.
Note: The search parameters you set do not change or reset on completion of a job. This allows you to retain the search group you are looking for without having to redo your search parameters.
Assigned Views Tab
This tab only appears if you have defined a view in one or more of your batch profiles, and the views will only be visible to users who have sufficient permissions to access them.
When a batch view is selected in the View profile drop-down, the results of the query assigned to the view will appear in the panel below. The user can select any of these entries and open the document(s) in the viewer.
Administrator & Developer Tools
ILINX Capture contains a set of powerful tools that allow an administrator or a developer to maximize the functionality of the product. These tools include the workflow component, client-side scripting capabilities, custom UI panels for indexing and batching within the capture process, and the ILINX Capture System Development Kit (SDK).
This section briefly discusses each tool individually.
Note: For more detailed information on each tool and instruction on using them, refer to the ILINX Capture Technical Guide.
ILINX Capture has a robust workflow component that gives you detailed control over the capture, approval, and storage of your documents. These workflows are fully customizable before and during the capture process, instead of in the backend imaging systems used in other document capture solutions. This means you determine how the documents are captured and organized. A workflow can be as simple as capture, index, and release to file system, or a highly complex process containing any number of the functional examples below.
Note: In order to edit workflows, your machine must have .NET framework 4.5 installed.
> Calling another system via web service to include metadata.
> Database lookup.
> Modify indexes.
> Routing batches based on index values.
> Process workflow rules based on doc type.
> Barcode processing.
> Automatic new document creation based on conditional parameters.
> Setting permissions for users to the batch; delete, index, and modify batch profile.
> Integrating with other system to modify capture batch.
> Convert file format as part of the workflow process.
> Error handling in the workflow process (see Important Note below).
> Release to target system.
As previously mentioned in the Creating a new batch profile section, a batch profile must have a workflow in order to function. The workflow can be as simple as the Start node connected to a HumanActivity IXM, but it can also be highly detailed and intricate.
Customizable, workable, and intuitive, ILINX Capture’s Workflow designer is the perfect tool for both convenience and efficiency.
Important Note: When designing your workflows, you will need to determine if it makes more sense to use centralized (system default) or decentralized error handling.
Centralized error handling offers the simplicity of one central location for handling errors, whereas Decentralized error handling offers the ability to have multiple error queues throughout the workflow and the potential to handle errors at the individual or group IXM level.
Both options have their strengths and the one you choose should be determined by your specific workflow requirements and your established internal standards and strategies.
IXM Commands
ILINX Extension Modules (IXMs) are out-of-the-box, self-contained building blocks that allow you to create custom workflows to meet your individual needs and requirements. The IXMs allow for in depth, intuitive building and control over workflows.
Client-side Scripting
Client-side scripting is centered on a set of events that are fired while capture users are viewing and interacting with a batch. In other words, these parameters allow the scripter to tailor the processes of the capture process to their particular needs. This brings the client and the capture process in direct correlation to one another by setting up customized parameters and functions that will take place during capture.
Custom UI Panels
Custom UI Panels in ILINX Capture allow you to customize the look, feel, and functionality when capturing a document using the ILINX Capture web application. You can use custom code to change two separate panels: The Indexing Panel and the Batch Panel.
If you can do it in the Capture client application, you can do it through code using the ILINX Capture SDK. This rich set of objects, properties, and methods allows you to create any type of custom integration you need to leverage the power of ILINX Capture right from your own custom application.
Other Topics
The ILINX Capture Mobile App
Available for free download from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, the ILINX Capture mobile application enables an Android or iOS device to capture content for use with your ILINX Capture system.
The application can create new batches assigned to any batch profile in your connected ILINX Capture system. The application can use pictures stored on your device for the batch content or you can take new photos using the device’s built-in camera. Once you have created a new batch, you can enter index data according to the batch profile’s index fields. After it is submitted, the batch will process through the batch profile’s workflow.
With the application, you can capture content without having access to a scanner. For example, if you need to capture a physical receipt, but cannot scan it, you can take a picture with an Android or iOS device, and then index and submit the batch to your ILINX Capture system.
Note: A few of the features found in the full ILINX Capture product are not available in the ILINX Capture mobile application. The mobile application does not support the following functionality:
– Custom forms
– Custom client-side extensions
– Text-type index field properties “Number of rows to display (max 15)” (currently titled: “Row height for text”)
– Prompt on capture
– Batch organization options: the mobile application can capture with the “Single page doc” option; it cannot organize batches into multi-page documents or combine multiple document file types into a multi-page document.
Advanced Configuration Options
Database Options
Within your ILINX database, you can access specific, advanced configuration items for ILINX Capture and ILINX Content Store. The following table lists the configuration items that can be safely set within the parameters listed.
Important Note: Modification of parameters in the database that are not listed in the table below is not supported.
CaptureDisplayBatchesOnTop | true / false | Changes visual organization of Assigned Views tab to horizontal. |
CaptureAssignedWorkMaxDisplayLimitOnClient | 1-300 | Sets the maximum number of items in the Assigned Work queue that will be shown to the user. |
Custom Menu
Administrators have the ability to define a custom menu that will appear on the right-hand side of the ILINX banner at the top of the client for either ILINX Capture or ILINX Content Store. You can define links to files or pages for purposes such as:
> Custom help page or help desk system.
> Link to barcode/separator sheets.
> Link to product PDF help documents.
To define this custom menu:
Step 1: Navigate to Program Files > ImageSource > ILINXCapture > WebClient > Application Files > ILINXCapture_[version] and open ILINXCapture.exe.config.deploy.
Step 2: Locate the node titled “customMenuSection.” Within this node, you have the ability to change the name of the menu using the displayName attribute. You can also add links to resources and name those links. To do so, create an element using the following syntax:
<add key=”ILINXKeyTitle” displayName=”Link Name” resourceUrl=””>
Where key represents a unique name for this resource (this will not be displayed), displayName is the name that will be displayed in the menu, and resourceUrl is the link to the resource.
<!-- Capture and Content Store - enhancement to add custom menu items to the top banner --> <customMenuSection> <!-- To change menu name, please change the displayName attribute here --> <menuItems displayName="Help"> <!-- Each menu item has 3 attributes: key, displayName and resourceUrl --> <add key="ILINXHomepage" displayName="ILINX Homepage" resourceUrl="" /> <add key="ILINXHelpCenter" displayName="Help Center" resourceUrl="" /> <add key="ILINXCustomizeMenu" displayName="How to customize this menu" resourceUrl="" /> <add key="ILINXUserCommunityForum" displayName="ILINX User Community Forum" resourceUrl="" /> <add key="ImageSourceTechnicalSupport" displayName="ImageSource Technical Support" resourceUrl="" /> </menuItems> </customMenuSection>
Once you change your custom menu, you will need to go back through the mageui steps listed in the ILINX Installation Guide in order for the changes to take effect.
Microsoft Office Documents
If you are capturing native Microsoft Office documents (i.e., Word, Excel, etc.) as well as wanting to suppress the “Open, Save, Cancel” prompt when opening Microsoft Office documents, it is highly recommended that you apply the following installation file to your user workstations:
\\<Your ILINX installation directory>\ImageSource\ILINXCapture\WebClient\SetupManual\officeHotfix.reg
Depending on your configuration, you may need to apply this registry update file. It is likely that without this file, Microsoft Office documents may open in a new Word, Excel, or PowerPoint window outside the ILINX client. For more information on correcting this behavior please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
Download Microsoft Office Documents as Read-Only
A system-wide setting may be set within the appconfig file which will enable or disable Microsoft Office (e.g Word, Excel, & PowerPoint) documents to be downloaded as read-only. This will allow documents to move through the workflow in their native format to allow users to modify them as necessary. To enable/disable the document file as read-only, follow these steps:
Step 1: In your system’s installation folders, navigate to Program Files\ImageSource\ILINX\Web Client\Application Files\client version.
Step 2: Open the ILINXCapture.exe.config.deploy XML file.
Step 3: Find the “DownloadFileAsReadonly” key, and verify set its value to true (the default value is true).
Step 4: If any changes are made, a system re-mage is required. Follow the instructions in the ILINX Installation Guide.
Enabling Automatic Idle Timeout
You can establish an automatic timeout for the ILINX Capture client application based on a specified time. With this option enabled, a user profile that has been left idle for your specified amount of time will automatically be logged out and asked to re-authenticate. To enable this option, follow these steps:
Step 1: In your system’s installation folders, navigate to Program Files\ImageSource\ILINX\Web Client\Application Files\client version.
Step 2: Open the ILINXCapture.exe.config.deploy XML file.
Step 3: Find the “EnableIdleTimeout” key, and set its value to true (the default value is false).
Step 4: Specify the amount of idle time required before automatic timeout by entering a value for the “IdleTimeoutInMinutes” key (the default value is 15). As indicated by the key’s name, this value is in minutes.
Configuring a Picklist
A document index field can use a pre-defined picklist of values to ensure consistent data entry and reduce the risk of user error. These pre-defined values can be manually entered into a list, or they can be dynamically populated from a database. A drop-down list becomes available for any field designated as a picklist, whether in the capture tab or when editing a document’s indexes.
Step 1: From the Batch Profiles list in the Admin tab, select the batch profile and click Edit.
Note: To configure the Picklist values, you must first add the index field and click OK.
Step 2: Select the document type and click Edit.
Step 3: Create a new document index field with the data type set as picklist or select an existing index field set as a picklist and click Edit.
Step 4: From the index field’s properties screen, click on the Configure picklist button.
Step 5: To configure the picklist:
> In the text area, enter each picklist value on its own line.
(Each entry has a limit of 251 characters)
Note: You can paste values into this text area.
> Click on Add when done entering values. Click OK to save the values.
Step 6: Click OK on the index field’s properties screen and again on the doc type’s properties screen.
Step 7: Finally, click Save to apply the changes to the batch profile.
Modifying a Picklist
To add a new value:
Step 1: Enter the value(s) in the text area.
Step 2: Click on the Add button to finish.
To delete a value:
Step 1: Click on the value’s name to select.
Step 2: Click on the Delete button.
To rename a value:
Step 1: Select the value to be renamed and click Edit.
Step 2: Modify the name and click Save to complete.
Note: Any previously entered values for documents and batches that have been released will not be updated with the new field value. To update, if desired, search for all documents with the original value, and then use the update index field option to replace simultaneously with the new value.
Adding and Modifying Index Values via Extension
Index values may need to be automatically modified throughout the workflow through Client or Server Extensions. This code illustrates how you obtain the first document in the current batch and then read and write index values from that document. The ILINX Capture SDK model delivers and consumes index field values primarily as strings, even though the underlying field data might be a date or even an integer or decimal. It is important to ensure the values provided to the batch and document index values will convert into the designated type.
If you create a new server extension, client extension, or threshold either in the built-in ILINX code editor or in the provided Visual Studio shell projects, you will see a section of sample code like the example below:
/// Example: Get the first document in the batch /// CaptureDocument firstDoc = batch.CaptureDocuments[0]; /// Example: Get the value of a document's "My Value" index field /// string theValue = firstDoc.IndexValues.Find(i => i.Name == "My Value").Value; /// Example: Set the value of a document's "My Value" index field /// firstDoc.IndexValues.Find(i => i.Name == "My Value").Value = "some new value";
Some of the ILINX index field objects are special types, not simple string objects. These special index types include: Table fields and picklists. Interacting with these objects are described below.
Writing picklist index field values:
Modifying picklist values DocumentIndexFieldValue picklist = doc.IndexValues.Find(i => i.Name == "picklist"); // Setting new picklist values picklist.PickListValues = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<string> { "123", "456" };
Writing table index field values:
// Find the table field TableIndexFieldValue tableField = doc.IndexValues.Find(p => p.Name == "My Table").TableValue; if (tableField != null) { // Create a new table row TableIndexRowValue newRow = new TableIndexRowValue(); // Loop through all the defined columns and create new values for this new row for (int index = 0; index < tableField.Columns.Count; index++) { DocumentTableIndexColumn tableColumn = tableField.Columns[index]; // Create a new default column object TableIndexColumnValue columnValue = new TableIndexColumnValue { Value = tableColumn.DefaultValue + string.Empty, Name = tableColumn.ColumnName, DataType = tableColumn.DataType }; // Update the column object as needed columnValue.Value = "Sample value " + (index + 1).ToString(); // Add this column to the new row object newRow.ColumnValues.Add(columnValue); } // Add the new row to the table tableField.RowValues.Add(newRow); }
Capture Direct Option
For systems with multiple batch profiles, there is a simple way to control capturing to a particular batch profile. This link can be used to ensure all shortcuts and captured items can only be attached to the chosen batch profile.
The link is as follows, where bold blue text is replaced with your chosen URL and then the desired batch profile name to capture:
http://chosen URL/ILINXC/?mode=capture&batchprofile=sample batch profile
Log files
There are two locations log files are stored. The ILINX log file captures events associated with the ILINX Import Service. The Internet Information Services (IIS) log file captures events having to do with general usage of ILINX. There are two types of log files that ILINX generates in each of the locations.
The locations of these log directories are:
> ILINX log – ..\ProgramData\ImageSource\ILINX\logs\
– ImageSourceAudit.log– This log captures user actions such as security, compliance, etc. By default, this log file is stored for 60 days and then automatically scheduled for deletion.
– ImageSource.log– This log capture systems operations. This may include audit type functionality however it also logs ERROR, INFO, & DEBUG activities. By default, this log file is stored for 30 days and then automatically scheduled for deletion.
> Information Services (IIS) log – ..\ProgramData\ImageSource\Internet Information Services\logs\
– CaptureAudit.log– This log captures user actions such as security, compliance, etc. By default, this log file is stored for 60 days and then automatically scheduled for deletion.
– Capture.log– This log capture systems operations. This may include audit type functionality however it also logs ERROR, INFO, & DEBUG activities. By default, this log file is stored for 30 days and then automatically scheduled for deletion.
Note: At midnight when the logging is restarted, each of the log file names are updated to include the Date the logs were written.
Audit Logs
Audit records are provided in the following format:
Date Time [server] [category] [thread id] [audit event code] [Application] [Doc ID] message
Note: For some audit entries the “Application” and/or “Doc ID” values may be empty. The audit event codes are broken into value ranges for easy searching and reporting.
** Logging into ICS: failure, built-in account, AD account 08-18-2016 08:33:54 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [1000] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Login failed 08-18-2016 08:33:56 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [1000] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Logged in using built-in credentials 08-18-2016 08:58:22 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [1000] [janedoe] [ ] [ ] User 'janedoe' signed in 08-18-2016 09:00:25 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [1001] [johndoe] [ ] [ ] Logged out at the host: [johnspc]
** Document operations: open, print, download, email 08-18-2016 08:34:40 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2405] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] opening document. 08-18-2016 08:35:08 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2406] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] document printed. 08-18-2016 08:35:39 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2404] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] document downloaded. 08-18-2016 08:35:48 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2403] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] document emailed.
** Document modifications: create, annotating (add & modify), index value change, version control operations, delete 08-18-2016 08:38:56 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [85] [2100] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [0e67564b-a40a-40c9-b3ae-045fbddd8c4d] New document created 08-18-2016 08:34:49 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2104] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] Annotations added to document 08-18-2016 08:34:58 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2204] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] Annotations updated in document 08-18-2016 08:34:50 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2200] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] User changed index values for docs with - Field Name 'Document Name', from value 'Sample Multipage Tiff' to value 'Sample Multipage Tiff modified' 08-18-2016 08:36:58 [MYSERVER] [AUDIT] [33] [2300] [johndoe] [Sample Profile] [591b50bd-5d0d-44b6-8e06-c012bcf21bf2] Document deleted
Server Logs
The following actions are written to the Server log file:
Log Entry
Logging into and out of the system | User ‘example’ logged in using built-in credentials. ’example’ signed in from ‘ExampleMachine’ User ‘example’ signed out from ‘ExampleMachine’ |
Creating a batch profile | User ‘example’ created batch profile ‘Example Profile’ |
Editing a batch profile | User ‘example’ updated batch profile ‘Example Profile’ |
Deleting a batch profile | User ‘example’ deleted batch profile ‘Example Profile’ |
Exporting and importing batch profile information | User ‘example’ exported batch profile ‘Example Profile’ User ‘example’ exported batch profiles for current version User ‘example’ imported batch profile ‘Example Profile – Copy’ User ‘example’ imported batch profiles from current version |
Creating users and user groups | Added ‘example’ as a new user Added ‘group1’ as a new user group |
Deleting and editing users and user groups | Updated ‘example’ Updated user group Deleting user group |
Changing a user’s password | Attempting to change password for user ‘example’ The password has been set. |
Adding new workflow definitions for a batch profile | User ‘example’ added new workflow definition for batch profile ‘Example Profile’ |
Editing and deleting workflow definitions for a batch profile | Deleted [variable number] old workflow definitions of batch profile ‘Example Profile’ |
Setting barcode configurations | User ‘example’ set barcode configuration for batch profile ‘Example Profile’ |
Enabling and setting client extensions | User ‘example’ enabled client extension of batch profile ‘Example Profile’ User ‘example’ set client extension for batch profile ‘Example Profile’ |
Setting email notifications | User ‘example’ set email notification setting for batch profile ‘Example Profile’ |
Capturing a batch | example batch 1/9/2015 4:23 PM, 372301c5-d41f-4165-ac66-c8b596eeb802 – Created (This date and ID will vary with each batch. The subsequent log entries will describe the batch’s process through the workflow.) |
Printing documents from a batch | Batch name “example batch” ID=372301c5-d41f-4165-ac66-c8b596eeb802 – User ‘example’ printed ‘Example Doc’, bdebd165-ddf5-40b7-a9f7-3b2065066ca7 |
Searching processing batches in the Assigned Work tab | User ‘example’ running workflow search |
Note: ILINX Capture 5 and newer has the functional capability to have all logs written to a database instead of being written to a file. All of the same actions that are written to the log file by default (listed above) would be written to the database. Out of the box, the system is designed and configured to write logs to the file system. If you would like to have your logs written to a database, contact ImageSource Technical Support for assistance.
Advanced Auditing
In addition to the default logging functionality, you can configure the logging system in a variety of ways. You can write the logs to the file system (like in the default case), or you could write them to a database table. In addition, you can easily configure the logging system to send notification emails if an event of a certain type is recorded, such as warnings or errors.
To configure email notifications:
Step 1: Navigate to the directory in which your instance of ILINX Capture is installed. Open the ILINX Capture directory.
Step 2: Navigate to WCF > bin and open the log4net.xml file.
Step 3: Scroll until you see the appender node named “SmtpAppender”. Modify the appropriate values with your email configuration:
to value=”“
from value=””
subject value=”test logging message”
smtpHost value=”YourSmtpHost“
username value=”XXX“
password value=”XXX“
threshold value=”ERROR“
conversionPattern value=”%date{MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss} [%property{log4net:HostName}] [%level] [%thread] – %message%newline“
Step 4: Under threshold, you can enter INFO, DEBUG, WARN, or ERROR, depending on what kinds of errors you want logged via email.
Step 5: Scroll all the way down to the bottom and locate the logger. Under the existing <appender-ref> nodes, remove the comment characters ‘<!- –‘ & ‘– ->‘ from the following line :
<!- –<appender-ref ref=”SmtpAppender” />– ->
Step 6: Save and exit the file. Assuming all the specifications you entered are correct, you will begin to receive emails at the next occurrence of your specified logging event.
Note: Depending on which type of logging event you chose, you could receive a very large volume of emails. Choose the threshold value based on the volume of emails you wish to receive.
Other Important File Locations
Warning: Improper removal of one or more files in the following locations at the wrong time, i.e. removal of capture files in the middle of a scanning process may affect system integrity or cause data loss of batches in progress.
There are a couple other folders that house user data and application data. You may need to access these folders from time to time as part of your troubleshooting steps.
Note: Some of these folders may be hidden by default by Microsoft Windows.
The Application Cache folder:
C:\Users\[user that is currently logged on]\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
The User working folders:
C:\Users\[user that is currently logged on]\AppData\Local\ImageSource\ILINX
In these folders you should see subfolders for all the users that have logged on from this profile. In these folders are all the working files (in progress or un-submitted) for each user that ever logged into ILINX Capture.
Note: This is the default location for this folder; it can be changed in the web.Config file if desired.
Troubleshooting / FAQs
1. | What file formats are supported? | The supported image file formats include: tiff, png, jpeg, bmp, gif, pdf, mp3, mp4, aiff, asf, au, avi, dvr-ms, m1v, mid, midi, mpe, mpeg, mpg, rmi, vob, wav, wm, wma, wmv, dat, flv, txt. For non-image file formats (e.g. MS Office DOC, XLS and PPT) the document will display inside of the display panel, using its native application browser plug-in. The context menu will change to maintain the same functionality as it has in the native program. Note: File formats where browser plug-ins are not available, the files will launch in their locally installed native application outside of the display panel. |
2. | When we installed ILINX, we chose not to use Active Directory. Our company now wants us to use Active Directory. Can we still integrate with AD? | Please contact ImageSource Support for help with this request. |
3. | How do I upgrade my application? | Before attempting an upgrade, please contact ImageSource support to ensure a successful upgrade. |
4. | How do I open a support ticket with ImageSource? | Login as the Administrator; go to the Admin tab, select About. Click on the blue link to the ImageSource Technical Support site and fill out the presented form |
5. | Are there any characters that should not be used in a batch profile, index field, or document name? | The following special symbols may be used, as long as the name begins with an alphanumeric character: ! @ # $ % * ( ) _ + – | ? |
6. | When installing ILINX Capture and attempting to initialize the database, an error appears that the DeleteInactiveBatch Job failed to be created. | To resolve this error, grant the SQL SysAdmin role to the ID being used for the SQL database that is initializing, for install/upgrade only. |
7. | Errors occur when users are using the indexing panel or custom forms. How can I troubleshoot these errors? | For client side errors, the first step is to confirm whether the issue is occurring for multiple clients. Then, recompile all your extension IXMs. If using Visual Studio to create your extensions, insure you have copied the required Capture dependency DLLs from your Capture server into your build environment. |
8. | My batch is being routed to the error queue in my workflow. What went wrong? | There are many common reasons for a batch being routed to the error queue in the workflow. The following are the most common: › Workflow logic errors (i.e. FlowSwitch does not evaluate properly) › Database lookups can generate exceptions if the configured database is unreachable or the target view or stored procedure is failing or missing. Attempting to access batch or workflow variables that have been modified or deleted can also generate Database lookup exceptions. › Custom ServerExtension and workflow Thresholds: There are an infinite number of reasons why custom code could generate exceptions and errors that result in batches routing to the global error queue. In order to troubleshoot these custom extension try the following: – Log the progress and errors of your custom code using the built-in iLogging objects. Information written through this object is recorded in the standard ILINX server log files. – If you are using externally built extension DLLs, add the associated .PDB file to the extension zip and use the Visual Studio remote debugger to diagnose errors. |
9. | My database lookup failed, or I get an error when typing into a database lookup field. What should I do? | Find the affected index field and run through the configuration wizard for the database lookup for that field. |
10. | I’m getting errors in my form. What should I do? | Try the following three options: check log files for detailed error information, check and confirm that your form .config file options are correct, and publish form package with .PDB file and use Visual Studio debugging on the form. |
11. | I’m getting a workflow error that seems to be related to the database. These may include multiple error manifestations or errors pointing to SQL connectivity / OLE DB connection problems. What should I do? | 1. Check database connection strings and service accounts. 2. Confirm IIS App pool service accounts are correct. 3. Check all connection strings in workflow for accuracy. 4. Check the configurations of all Database Lookup IXM’s. 5. Check the form settings connection strings. Note: Most lookups use integrated security through the IIS app pool service account, database lookup IXM’s on the other hand use an explicit account. |
12. | I’m getting this error: “Workflow Error: Workflow aborted: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” | Most of the time this is due to an index field being referenced that does not exist. Check this line for an incorrect index field name:
batch.IndexValues.Find(i=>i.Name ==“wrong field name”).Value; Note: the calls to find index values are case-sensitive. |
13. | Internet explorer pops up a download dialog, closes it, opens an IE instance, closes that, opens the download dialog, etc. Continues looping trying to execute running on a client machine. | Ensure the default web browser is set to Internet Explorer (not Edge). This behavior is found when the XBAP is trying to run on an incorrect web browser type (ie. Chrome, Firefox, etc.). |